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"Luke," I whispered, "Luuuuuuuukeeee!"

"Hmmmm?" He responded with a raspy morning voice that made me melt a little on the inside.

"Don't move ok?" I said putting one knee on either side of him and adjusting my camera.

"Babe what are you doing?" He murmured.

The flash went off and the Polaroid began to print. "I want a picture of you waking up. You look so pretty." I laughed. But I really did mean it. Luke's golden hair was a mane of curls and the morning sunlight made it glisten.

"Thanks, that's exactly what I'm going for." He said sarcastically, stretching his arms out. "Now it's your turn." He announced. I let out a small scream as he flipped us with ease so he was the one straddling me.

"Luke!" I laughed.

"I'm going to have to disagree with you on this one," he said focusing the camera on me, "you're definitely the pretty one." He snapped the picture then dove forward to meet my lips. "What's on the agenda today babe?"

"Well," I responded waiting for the picture to develop. "I have a photo session scheduled for this morning."

"Babbbbeeeee, I'll miss you." He whined flopping down next to me.

"No you won't!" I giggled booping his scrunched up nose. "Because you're coming with me!"

"Wait what?" He asked with an amused look on his face.

"How would you like to be my model for the day, pretty boy?" I said getting distracted by his crystal blue irises. There wasn't an imperfection to be found.

"If it means I get to spend the day with you." He replied with a cheeky smile, pulling me into his chest. He planted soft kisses on my neck trailing down to my collarbones.

"Woah there lover boy," I laughed not wanting him to stop but being practical. "We've got to leave now if we want to get the best lighting."

"Ughhh," he groaned taking his time to get up. He picked up the polaroids, "You're cute." He smiled.

I picked out a couple of outfits from Luke's closet and he helped me carry all my lenses and equipment to the car. Taking pictures of him was the easiest thing in the world, because for some reason the dang human looked attractive no matter what he was doing or where he was.

"How are you so photogenic?" I marveled looking through the first set of pictures we had taken.

"I'm not that photogenic," he said leaning over my shoulder to peek at the pictures, "I just have a really talented photographer." He smiled kissing my cheek.

"You ready to change?" I asked as we walked back to the car.

"Wait what? Like here?" He asked looking around the busy street.

"No," I laughed. "In the car!"

"I'm like 6' 4'', Kennedy! How am I supposed to but on different pants in a car? My limbs are too long!" He sputtered.

"You'll figure it out," I winked and tossed him the next outfit.

"I think you just want an excuse to check me out in the rear view mirror," He sighed, climbing into the backseat.

"Don't worry I won't peek." I said starting the car.

"I wouldn't mind if you did." He smirked.

When we got to the next location I found that Luke had managed to change without ripping any seams. We set out and I found myself taken aback.

"Are you taking the picture?" He asked genuinely confused.

"I um..." I stuttered realizing I was staring. He was wearing a black leather jacket and his white button down was open at the top. I gazed at him in the viewfinder and caught the shot just as he ran his hand through his hair. Damn. The boy was pure perfection. He was so out of my league.

"Luke, you're absolutely-" I was interrupted by a scream. A beautiful blonde girl in high heels scampered up to Luke.

"Oh my god, LUKE HEMMINGS!" She exclaimed. From the shape of her body I assumed she was an instagram model. "Let's take a picture together!" She commanded in a shrill voice. Her hair was in perfect bouncy curls and her dress hugged her body in all the right places. I began to feel self conscious in my white T-shirt and joggers.

She took one look at me and I could tell there was disgust in her eyes, "Um... ma'am can you take a picture of us?" She said shoving her phone into my hand.

"Uh sure." I mumbled feeling very small. I snapped a few pictures and she planted a kiss on Luke's cheek making me cringe. "Here, ma'am," I said bitterly. She needed to get the hell away from my boyfriend.

"Thanks," She muttered as she pulled a pen and paper out of her purse. "You can call me." She purred handing Luke a slip of paper with Bethany scribbled in big bold letters followed by a phone number.

He tucked the paper in his pocket. She sent a glare my way as she strutted off and the flames rose in my throat. Luke began to laugh.

"What?" I barked bitterly.

"You're so jealous." He chuckled.

"I am not!" I frowned crossing my arms.

"Um if you could see your face you'd change your answer." He smiled obviously amused at my discontentment with the interaction.

"Fine then, why don't you call Bethany." I snapped.

"Why would I call Bethany?" He asked raising an eyebrow.

"I don't know!" I was practically yelling at this point, "Because you two are both beautiful and she's probably a model and you kept her number and her lipstick is all over your face!"

"Ken, I only kept her number because there's no garbage around here. I wasn't about to litter." He said genuinely.

"You're worried about littering right now?!" I screeched in disbelief.

"Here," He said holding the paper out to me, "if you don't believe me, keep it. You can recycle it when we get home."

I took the paper feeling a little bit better. "Are you sure you don't want it? She was really pretty. She could be on the cover of Vogue." I said staring down at my shoes.

"So could you," He smiled wrapping his arms around my waist.

"No not really." I sighed.

"She's not really my type." He explained, "She doesn't have coffee colored hair, or bright green eyes, or golden freckles," he continued, kissing a different part of my face between each phrase, "or a sweet smile, or a perfect laugh, or a big heart, or more courage than anyone I've ever met." He looked me right in the eye, "Kennedy, you're my little rose. I wouldn't trade you for the world."

I couldn't help but smile and he pulled me into a warm embrace. I took a step back just to be able to look him in the eyes, "I took down all the pictures of Will from my wall last night while you were sleeping. I added them to the fire. There's no one out there for me but you, Luke. I wanted you to know that."

"I'm so proud of you." He smiled like a loving parent. "You're a strong young woman."

"Yeah strong enough to pin you down when we wrestle!" I teased.

"Hey that doesn't mean I'm not strong!" He laughed, "Maybe I just like you on top of me." He said smirking.

"Luke Hemmings!" I gasped, laughing along.

"Also you're really cute when you're jealous." He added playfully. "I thought you were going to pounce on the girl."

"I WAS NOT!" I shrieked as he picked me up and spun me around. "I just want you to myself that's all! My Luke belongs with me in my house in my bed." I asserted, blushing as I realized what had last escaped my mouth.

He smirked with fire in his eyes, "Honey why didn't you just say so, I'm all yours."

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