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I woke up with the morning sunlight peeking through the windows. Luke's arm was comfortably draped around me, like a guardian angel. I could feel the soft rise and fall of his chest as he continued in his slumber. His body was warm and felt soothing against my bare skin. I grabbed my phone trying not to move too much and snapped a picture of him. His mane of curls seemed like actual threads of gold as they caught the sunlight. His expression was so serene, not a single crease on his face. I put my phone back on the bedside table and snuggled back into his comforting arms. There was no place I'd rather be.

I fell back asleep for about an hour. I woke up to a pair of aquamarine eyes gazing at me intently. "Good morning sweetheart," He whispered playing with a strand of my hair.

"Good morning," I whispered back as he nuzzled his face against mine. My heart melted at the affection. I couldn't think of a better way to wake up.

I shivered lightly realizing that I had been thriving off of just Luke's body heat and covers that were now on the floor. "You cold Ken?" Luke cooed and I nodded in response, rubbing the sleep out of my eyes.

He got up and pulled on a pair of clean boxers. I watched him do so and he caught me staring shamelessly. "Why aren't you a model?" I asked admiring the perfectly sculpted lines of his body.

"I am a model," he said reaching into his bag and pulling out a white hoodie. He walked back to the bed and handed it to me, "I'm your model, remember?" He planted a soft kiss on my forehead.

"Mhmm," I smiled sliding on the hoodie. "I don't like sharing." I pulled him down to the bed and our limbs interlocked in an embrace. "I like having you all to myself." I whispered in his ear.

"I'm all yours sweetheart." He smiled resting his head in the crook of my neck.

My stomach growled and he laughed. "Hungry?"

I nodded eagerly. I had woken up with quite the appetite after our night of... festivities. Luke and I both got dressed to get breakfast. I kept his hoodie on and threw on a pair of leggings. He wore gray joggers and a black hoodie. We drove out a few miles to a Belgian waffle shop for breakfast.

I took out my camera and snapped a picture of my Luke sipping a cup of black coffee. His morning hair was wild yet lovely. "You're pretty." I smiled looking at the shot.

"And you know how to flatter a man." He winked resting his hand on top of mine. I loved his little signs of affection. Whether it was just holding my hand or wrapping his arm around me or how he smiled gingerly when I caught him staring, they made me feel special in a way that I never had. For once there were no second intentions.

Our waffles were spectacular. Whipped cream and strawberries for me and bananas and caramel for Luke. It reminded me of the day he made me breakfast. I had been so sad and it was the moment I realized that he really cared.

My thoughts were interrupted by his phone vibrating against the tabletop. "Sorry, it's Ashton." He explained.

"Sorry mate, the reception isn't very good out here." He said into the phone. "Yeah we're having a great time." He said shooting me a cheeky smile. I couldn't help but smile back. The smile on his face quickly faded though. I felt the anxiety rise up through my chest as his eyebrows furrowed seriously. "What do you mean?" He uttered. "No, no you're most definitely right. Did you call the police?" My heart dropped at his words. "Ok, we'll head back today. Thanks, Ash." He hung up, face completely blank.

"What's happening?" I asked, the confusion and nerves obvious in my voice.

"So Ashton went to go pick up my notebook of lyrics and riffs from our house with the spare key I left him and when he got there all the windows were completely shattered and your rose bushes were on fire. Ashton called 911 and they were able to put out the fire before it spread to our house. There was no one in there and nothing was taken from the house, but the police want to speak to us about it. Everyone agrees that it was more than likely Will and they've expedited the restraining order so that it's filed as of yesterday, but Will seems to have vanished. They don't have any leads but they consider him dangerous, as one of his friends called in concerned that he had snapped mentally," He paused, "Kennedy are you ok?"

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