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I ran my hands through my hair one last time. My palms were sweating and the lights around me felt like lasers melting my skin.

"Are you ready?" Luke asked with a supportive grin on his face.

"Ready as I'll ever be." I managed.

"And 3, 2, 1, go!" The band's manager called out.

I took a deep breath and smiled at the camera, "Hi, my name is Kennedy Coleman. As many of you know by now, I'm Luke's girlfriend."

I nervously fiddled with the bracelet on my wrist, "Recently, there were pictures posted of me online by an anonymous fan account. A lot fans were pretty upset about them because they don't know the context behind them. I'm here today to talk to you about-"

My breath hitched in my throat as I forced the words out, "sexual abuse."

"Before I met Luke, I was in a very unhealthy relationship. The pictures that were posted over social media were taken by my ex boyfriend after he um was physically aggressive with me to the point where I was left unconscious. I knew that I needed to get out of the relationship but I was too scared to and I felt guilty for abandoning someone that needed help. Today I'm here to tell you that it's ok to leave when you're putting yourself at risk. No relationship is worth getting beaten either physically or emotionally. Getting out of that relationship was the best thing that has ever happened to me and I couldn't have done it without Luke's help. It's important to talk to someone if you're in an abusive relationship so it doesn't escalate like mine did. Don't ever feel like you're in this alone, you, me, and many others are victims of abuse and it's time to speak out. If you or a loved one is being abused, there's always someone out there that will help. The National Domestic Violence Hotline number is 1-800-799-SAFE. Thank you."

My anxiety ceased as I spoke, because I knew that this was the message that people out there really needed to hear.

"Cut!" Yelled the boys' manager. "That's a wrap!"

I hopped off of the chair I had been sitting in and Luke rushed over to me.

"That was perfect, I'm so proud of you." He said pulling me into a hug.

I exhaled into his messy blonde locks feeling comforted by his embrace. "Thanks. I figured it was the least I could do to hopefully stop people from having to experience what I did."

"You're so brave." He said looking me in the eye with a warm smile.

"Thanks, love. I couldn't have done it without you." I smiled back.

The management crew came over to us and the videographer smiled, "There wasn't any real editing to do, so if you're happy with it we can go ahead and post it immediately."

Luke looked at me for an answer. I nodded with a smile, "The sooner the better."

"Perfect," Said the woman in charge. "And... it's up! Congrats guys!"

By the time we got home, both Luke's and the 5sos social media platforms were exploding with comments.

"Everyone is rooting for you!" Luke smiled wrapping his arm around me.

"I'm just glad I could help in some way." I smiled back.

"Oh come here," He called pulling me into a kiss.


About a week had passed and I noticed that with all the positive response to Kennedy's message, she seemed a lot happier overall. Our fan base had taken her in and I was proud that she had become an inspiration to so many people. Companies had even reached out for her to be their rep their merchandise or be the face of their new campaigns.

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