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I yawned and stretched, trying to wake myself up. Kennedy. She was on my mind late at night and first thing in the morning. We had only gotten closer since our date, and now life seemed like it couldn't be better. Lyrics flowed out of my head like never before. She brought out feelings that I had never experienced before. She was the most genuine and kind person I had ever met. Not to mention how beautiful she was.

I skipped down the steps and into the kitchen where I had been jotting down song lyrics the night before. The napkin with my messy scrawl was still sitting on the counter with the words, "Every moment spent, I wish I was with you." But underneath in a neat cursive someone had added, "And every night I slept, I dreamt I was with you." I grinned at Kennedy's line, it was catchy. On the back side of the napkin it said, "I'm swamped with three photo shoots today
:( I'll see you tonight! -Kennedy". A red lipstick stain was printed neatly next to her name. I smiled, tracing the print and remembering the soft feeling of her lips against mine and the sweet taste. As much as I was disappointed to not see those emerald green eyes, I really needed to work on the guitar riffs for the new song. So I took the napkin upstairs with me and went to work.


I was exhausted when I got home. Carrying my camera equipment up a couple of hills was quite the workout and my eyes were tired from all the editing. I dug for my keys in my pocket only to have the door pop open from the inside. I was surprised to see a tan boy with thick black hair open the door. "IT'S HER!" He squealed pulling me inside.

"Um..." I questioned looking around for Luke.

"Kennedy!" Luke exclaimed trying to escape from the two boys lying on top of him.

"What's going on?" I laughed, watching him struggle.

"These are my band mates," He said sheepishly.

"And you're the girl that Luke can't shut up about!" Said a boy with curly brown hair and dimples, "I'm Ashton!"

"Michael!" Yelled the boy with white hair and a slice of pizza in his hand.

"Calum!" Smiled the boy who had opened the door for me. "Honestly I think you can do better than this noodle." He said poking Luke in the ribs.

"Hey!" Luke groaned.

"Really?" I smirked, "I think this noodle is pretty special." I said wrapping my arms around Luke's waist.

"This is so cute, I'm going to be sick." Laughed Michael, covering his eyes jokingly.

"Do you want some pizza?" Luke offered pointing to the box on the table.

"Yes please, I'm starving!" I said suddenly realizing I hadn't eaten much at all today.

"A girl who can eat, she's a keeper." Smiled Ashton.

I smiled back with my slice of gooey goodness in hand, "So what have you guys been up to?"

"Ah, mostly instrumental stuff today," replied Calum, "Though Luke did show us the lines that you two wrote."

My eyes widened suddenly feeling self conscious.

"We loved it!" Ashton chimed, "Every moment spent, I wish I was with you. And every night I slept, I dreamt I was with you. That's brilliant!"

"Wouldn't happen to be about anyone in particular, would it?" Calum asked, sounding smug.

I made sudden eye contact with Luke who was sitting next to me. A smirk spread slowly across his face.

Trying to one up his cocky attitude, I nonchalantly responded, "Not sure," as I placed my hand on Luke's thigh. He seemed surprised by my touch. I slowly rubbed up and down. Luke's body suddenly tensed and he placed his large hand on top of mine, stopping the movement.

"Ok guys, I think it's time to leave." He said hurriedly.

"Wait what?" Asked Michael confused.

"Everyone out!" Luke commanded.

"He wants time alone with his girl!" Ashton explained with a cheeky grin.

"Ahhhh gotcha," Smiled Calum, "Have fun, you two!" He said with a wink.

"Just go!" Said Luke urgently.

When the three boys were gone, I locked the door only to turn around and be pinned there by Luke.

"The things you do to me," Luke growled into my ear. "I almost couldn't help myself."

"What exactly do I do to you?" I smirked narrowing my eyes at him.

"You make me want you," He took a breath in and leaned so close to my face I could feel his eyelashes flutter against my skin. "So bad." He finished, crashing his lips into mine.

I had never kissed Luke like this before, I had never kissed anyone like this before. There was an urgency in every movement. The kisses were deep and needy. His tongue pushed its way into my mouth and I let out a soft moan.

"Ugh," he groaned, "you're making it worse."

I laughed at his desperation and he glared at me trailing kisses down my neck. "This isn't funny, if you knew the effect you had on me you wouldn't be laughing."

I took this as my cue to pull him closer. I wrapped one leg around him and then the other. He held me up and moved us from up against the door to the living room. He sat down on the couch so that I was sitting on his lap. Heat rose every second we were together. I ran my hands through his wavy golden hair and he ran his along the outlines of my body sending shivers down my spine. Wanting him more than ever, I began to slowly rock my hips into his, following the rhythm of our mouths.

"Fuck, Kennedy," he groaned biting his lip and leaning his head back in pleasure. "I-" He was interrupted by the sound of the doorbell. "Damn it." He cursed under his breath. I slid off of him and walked to the door, hating to break the proximity.

I opened the door to see Calum who stared back at me with a sheepish smile. "I left my phone here." He explained.

I let him and we both stood laughing at the sight of Luke lying limp on the couch like a starfish.

"Cal, you bastard." Luke groaned.

"I see you've already got him wrapped around your finger." Calum chuckled picking his phone up from the counter.

"Well I'll be heading out now," He turned towards me suddenly serious, "Take care of Luke, will you?" He requested softly so that Luke wouldn't hear.

"I will." I smiled. Luke was everything I wanted, everything I didn't know that I needed. I definitely will.

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