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"Luke!" I squealed in excitement.

"What is it?" He called back with concern in his voice.

"Come here! I have to show you something!" I replied, bouncing up and down on the bed.

He scampered into our room, "Are you ok?"

"I'm more than ok! Look at this!" I grinned showing him the magazine that had just arrived.

He held it making it look small in his large hands. He stared at the pages in awe. "These photos are stunning." He gasped realizing why I was excited, "Did you take these?"

I grinned nodding.

"Ken, you're in a magazine! These pictures are amazing!" He beamed giving me a big hug.

"I'm their featured artist for this month!" I smiled. Luke was a big name in the music industry and he was often featured in magazines, but as a self made photographer this was a huge deal. My business was very successful within the city, but for my work to be featured in a magazine that's popular for on the national level was a huge step forward.

"I'm so proud of you." He cooed.

"Thanks babe." I replied, enjoying the feeling of accomplishment.

"So," Luke started, a spark appearing in his eye. "Is this cause for a celebration?"

I grinned back at him, "It sure is! What should we do?"

"Well I think that's for the featured artist to decide." He winked.

I thought for a moment. Most girls enjoyed elaborate dates that required planning and dressing up, but all I needed to be happy was Luke. "Can we order in and make it a movie night?"

"Of course," He replied. "Let me guess, you want pineapple pizza from that little place downtown across from the library?"

"You know me so well." I confirmed, kissing him on the cheek before going to change into something comfy. I pulled out a hoodie and smirked to myself, it was Luke's so it was oversized and I didn't bother putting pants on underneath. I walked back into the room where he had ordered the pizza and he did a double take.

"Are you wearing my merch?" He laughed.

"Hell yeah I am," I responded, posing as I flaunted the big 5SOS sweatshirt.

"You look hot." He said blatantly as he stared at me.

"What can I say? I'm your number one fan." I replied sitting in his lap with my arms wrapped around his neck.

"Prove it." He dared, his eyes lustful.

I shot forward, colliding my lips to his. He had been very conscious of giving me my space after the incident and I really appreciated it, but now both of us were left longing for each other's touch. He ran his tongue across my bottom lip as I relaxed my jaw to let him in. The kisses were passionate and needy. His familiar sweet minty taste filled my mouth and I shivered in pleasure. My fingers were buried in his golden locks. I tugged at them as the intensity rose and he let out a throaty moan. I smirked and he retaliated by moving his hands to grip my butt making me squeal in surprise.

He laughed and I did too. Our mouths found each other again and worked in perfect synchronicity until we were interrupted by the sound of the doorbell. I quickly hopped off of Luke, who groaned in disappointment.

"Sorry Hemmings, pizza calls!" I smirked running down the stairs.

"You're not even wearing pants!" He called back as I was about to open the door.

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