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There was new found tension between Kennedy and I, but not in an uncomfortable way, actually it was anything but that. We both wanted to take it slow, especially considering how physically and emotionally taxing her last relationship had been. But last night was obviously very enjoyable for both of us. She brought out the worst of my usually morally correct self. When I was so close that I could smell her skin, I didn't want to take it slow. When she looked at me with challenging eyes, I had to restrain myself. When she laced her fingers through my hair, I had to use every bit of self control I had not to let go. It was actually good that Calum came when he did, as much as I did long for more.

The doorbell rang, snapping me out of my train of thought. "I'll get it!" Called Kennedy from across the hall.

I heard the door open and Kennedy drag in a package. I scampered down the steps to see what it was. She took a box cutter and sliced open the cardboard. A gasp arose from her mouth, as the contents were revealed.

"Rot in hell skank" was written in red spray paint on the flaps of the box. The inside held stacks of job applications for various strip clubs mixed in with printed pictures of a very scantily clad girl who I soon realized was Kennedy. The pictures showed Kennedy lying on the ground in a lacey red bra and thong, her arms tied behind her back. My first impression was that she was sleeping, but with a closer look I found that she was actually knocked out. Scrapes and bruises lined her milky skin, and blood appeared to be trickling down her temple.

"Kennedy..." I began.

"I'm ok." She said, shaking the look of surprise off her face. Her expression was straight faced and I could tell she was blocking out the emotions.

"This is not ok, this is harassment!" I insisted. "Will needs to get the fuck out of your life!"

"I know." She murmured quietly.

"Ken, I just want you to stop getting hurt." I explained, softening my tone.

"Let's just get rid of this ok?" She said kicking the box.

"We could do something fun to take your mind off of things?" I offered picking up the box and walking towards the glowing fireplace. "Like maybe have a night in and watch a movie in our pajamas?" I said, carefully sticking the nasty package into the flames. I just wanted her to forget this, to be happy for once.

"I would love that," she said with a hint of a smile, "I'm just going to take a shower first ok? I need to unwind a little after... this." She pointed at the burning paper.


"Luke?" A voice at the door called.

I looked up from my phone to see a dripping wet Kennedy, wrapped in a white bath towel. Her chocolate colored hair looked almost black from the water and the towel outlined the curves of her body.

"Um yes?" I gulped.

"Could I borrow a hoodie? Mine are all in the wash." She shyly asked.

"Of course!" I replied. Damn, she looked like a Greek goddess. I forced myself not to stare and hopped up to dig for a hoodie for her.

"Here," I said tossing her a big black sweatshirt. She caught it and my eyes widened as she began to slip it on before me. She turned so that I could see the smooth curve of her back and the outline of her hips. I quickly looked down, feeling guilty for staring.

My hoodie went down to just above her knees and looked quite cozy. She turned and sat down next to me on the bed. "You, ok?" She asked, with traces of a mischievous smile.

I gulped, "Yup, great."

She laughed, "Let's go." She called taking my hand in hers.

We took loads of sheets and pillows down to the living room. Together, we constructed a fort to watch our movie from.

"This is perfect!" She exclaimed crawling under the sheets and into our plushy hideout.

"I love it." I smiled just happy to see her happy. I was already laying in the fort so I extended my arms out, welcoming Kennedy closer.

She snuggled up next to me, her head resting on my chest. I pulled a blanket over the two of us as I drank in her scent of rose water. The movie was good, but I was distracted by the little beauty up against me. I played with her soft hair, slowly running my fingers through it. Halfway through the movie I leaned in and whispered in her ear, "You look so cute in my hoodie."

She beamed, "I love it! It's so soft and it smells like you."

"It suits you." I smiled back brushing a piece of hair behind her ear.

"You know what else suits me?" She whispered, eyes growing darker.

"What?" I whispered back as she leaned closer to me.

"You." She said, closing the space between us with her lips against mine.

Her kisses were soft at first, but gradually deepened as the heat between us rose. She let her fingers sneak beneath my shirt. My breath hitched at her touch and she took that as a cue to kiss me more forcefully. Her fingertips raced up my back and dug in gently as I pulled myself over her.

"What were you thinking about earlier?" She slurred, "when I came out of the shower?"

I paused hovering over her, "That you're the most beautiful human I've ever seen."

She responded by pulling my shirt off completely and examining my body, "You're not too bad yourself." She said smugly. Her cold fingertips traced the lines by my hip bones, running dangerously close to the waist of my pants.

"And you, my friend, are a tease." I laughed as I let my hands venture down to her bare legs. Her skin was so silky and smooth.

She was only wearing my hoodie so I looked up at her for approval as my nails ran against her legs softly. "Now who's the tease?" She grimaced, "Gosh I want you so bad." She moaned.

"What was that darling?" I asked with fake innocence.

"Luuuuke," She whimpered.

I responded by tugging her maroon thong down her legs to remove it. She laced her fingers in my hair as I placed gentle kisses on the insides of her thighs.

"Please help me." She begged as the tension grew.

"Since you asked so nicely," I smirked, slipping my fingers into her. A small gasp escaped her lips and her eyes fluttered closed. "Kennedy, you're so wet," I murmured.

"You do things to me Luke Hemmings." She replied breathlessly.

I made slow gentle movements at first, because she seemed so fragile. Her perfect lips were parted as I began to speed up the pace. Her bright green eyes shot open as began to rub small circles on her clit.

"Luke..." she moaned, gosh she was beautiful. "I think I'm- I'm-" Before she could finish her sentence her body began to shake and her back arched in pleasure. She lay there taking in quick breaths and I slid to the side so that I could take her back in my arms.

"Luke?" She asked snuggling as close to me as possible.

"Mhmm?" I murmured.

"You make me feel things I've never felt before." She said softly.

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