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"I want to sit next to Kennedy!" Luke whined.

"Noooo, you live with her, that's not fair! I want to be her friend!" Crystal fought back.

"Luke, share your play things." Michael smirked and a blush spread across my cheeks, bright pink. "You're quite the hot ticket item." He said to me with a wink.

We were flying to Las Vegas, because the band had a big interview and had been invited to some fancy party thing for publicity.

"Let the girls bond." Calum laughed pulling Luke into the seat next to him. The whole plane was probably annoyed with us for holding up the line.

"Yes!" Crystal squealed, sitting down next to me. Crystal was Michael's girlfriend and she seemed really nice so far. It would be cool to hang out with someone other than the guys for once. I loved them but I didn't have any girlfriends to talk to.

"So have you decided what you're going to wear for the party?" She asked eagerly.

"Mmm I packed a pretty casual dress to lie low."

Her eyes widened, "Kennedy, this is like the event of the year in Vegas for artists. If anything dressing casual will make you stand out!"

A little bit of panic set in, "Maybe I just wont go then..." I said worriedly.

"Oh no no no!" She responded. "You need to go, it'll be a blast! Plus if you're not there, Luke will be a drag the whole time."

I laughed and looked back at him. He smiled at me and I giggled at the way his giraffe legs barely fit between the seats.

"Ok, I'll go. But what should I wear?" I asked, turning back to face Crystal.

She tossed her bubblegum colored locks over her shoulder, "Oh honey, I've got you."

- - -

We got to Vegas in the morning and the boys were all getting ready to head off to their big interview. Luke came out dressed in a distressed denim jacket paired with his usual slightly open button down and black skinny jeans.

"Someone looks nice." I smiled pulling him in.

"Who me?" He asked slyly planting a kiss on my neck.

"We get it, you're a match made in heaven, now cut the PDA." Michael groaned from the doorway.

"Let them be happy together!" Ashton laughed peeking over Michael's shoulder.

"Take care while I'm gone babe." Luke whispered into my hair as he gave me a tight hug.

"Oh trust me, I'll take very good care of her." Announced Crystal as she parted the sea of Aussie boys.

And with that, the boys headed off to their interview and Crystal launched her big plans for the two of us. We ended up in a boutique where the workers knew Crystal by name and nothing had a price tag because the people that shopped there didn't need to worry about how much things cost. I felt extremely out of place, normal for me was the clearance section of Target and Urban Outfitters was what I considered high end.

"Ladies! I need you to set up Miss Kennedy over here with something stunning. She's making her debut tonight and I expect nothing but the best!" Crystal instructed.

"Uh Crystal... I don't think I can afford anything from here." I stuttered.

"Oh no, don't worry about it! The designer here loves the promo she gets when someone related to the band wears one of her pieces to such a big event, so it's on the house." She smiled.

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