Chapter 2

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You guys I'm so freaking sorry the electricity in my whole fvcking town went out and then once it came back my WiFi wasn't working until today a.k.a Tuesday. So once again I'm sorry. Even though this wasn't my fault like at all, I'm gonna post three chapters today. Thank you to all who didn't take my story out of their library. I literally love all of you Kings and Queens.

Erika's POV
I was going to go back downstairs to get something to drink when I heard my dad's and Jakes conversation which left me in tears.

I walked downstairs and it was silent.

D: Erika I'm so sorry

E: it's fine I'm fine *wipes tears*

I am going to destroy that motherfvckers car tomorrow.

D: are you sure?

E: yeah I'll talk to him about it tomorrow I just came down to get juice. *smiles*

I walked into the kitchen got some juice and drank it fast. Then I went back upstairs and went to bed.

*next morning*
I wake up to the sound that's makes me want to burn myself alive a.k.a my alarm clock and got read for school.

I go downstairs and see my dad in he couch with my coffee next to him from Starbucks

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I go downstairs and see my dad in he couch with my coffee next to him from Starbucks.

D: hey Mikey

E: hey dad thanks for the drink.

D: of course.

E: I'm kinda early but I told Kade I would pick him up so I have to go now.

D: okay I love you

E: I love you too

I left out the house and went to Kade's.

Kade got into the car and looked at me and I just hugged him.

K: what's wrong Love?

E: he's cheating on me

K: well—fvck him you don't need a boyfriend you have me your best friend since five Mr. Kade Speiser.

E: *giggles* thanks but I'm bashing a bat through all of his windows when he gets to school if he comes.

K: one of the many reasons I love you.

E: let's go

I drove off and we head to school.

I see Noah pull into the parking lot and get out of his car I start walking towards him with my baseball bat in my duffle bag.

K: wait are you sure?

E: three years wasted Kade yes I'm sure.

K: okay good luck I'll be watching.

I walk over to Noah and smile.

E: hey baby

N: hey

As I spoke I was getting the bat out.

E: so how's your mom?

N: she's not so good.

E: oh really because my dad saw her at Starbucks this morning she said hi.

N: um

E: how long have you been cheating on me Noah?!

I put the bat on his chest pushing him backwards.

N: why would I cheat on you I love you.

E: well I don't love you we are through.

Just then I walked past him and went to town on his car. I busted the windows, left dents, keyed it, and slashed a tire before I was pulled back.

N: my car

I was historically crying

E: I hate you

I fell to the ground, well kinda because someone was holding onto me.

The I heard their voice it was Jake.

J: Erika it's gonna be okay it's gonna be okay.

E: he said he loved me.

J: I know

I turned around and hugged Jake while still crying not even caring that I probably ruined his shirt with mascara.

J: how about I take you home and Kade can bring your car later?

E: o-okay

We walked over to Jakes car and I sat in the passenger seat with my head leaning on the window and my eyes closed. But I wasn't asleep.

Jakes POV
I was heading over to Denis's place when I see Erika crying hitting Noah's car with a baseball bat. I stopped the car and got out and once I got there she had ruined everything except two tires. So I decided just to take her home.


When I got to her house there was note on the door.

    I had to leave for work out of town, and I know you were supposed to be coming over. You weren't answering your phone so I left this note. Please let Erika know that I will not be coming home for 1 week at most 2 weeks. Also do you remember that time you said you owed me big time since I helped you get Hailey? Well I need you to let Erika to stay at your place for awhile please call me when you see this.


J: crap

I carried Erika back to my car and then drove us to my place.

Once we got there I put her in my bed and then went into the living room to call Denis.

D: hello?

J: you said to call

D: oh yeah sorry for the short notice they really needed me here.

J: it's fine I owed you, but do you have a spare key or something?

D: yeah Erika should have it.

J: I'll ask her when she wakes up.

D: what do you mean? She's supposed to be at school.

J: she had a problem at school today and I saw here and was gonna bring her home but then I saw the letter and she fell asleep in the car. So she may or may not panic when she sees where she is.

D: okay um does that mean Kade has her car?

J: yeah I used her finger to get into her phone and I texted him to keep the car until tomorrow. I also put my number for emergencies only.

D: you're a smart man Jake Paul.

J: I do what I can.

*knock knock*

J: hey I gotta go someone's at the door.

D: okay bye tell Erika I love her and not to call until after 9:00 pm.

J: alright bye

I hung up the phone and answered the door......

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