Chapter 19

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Erika's POV
Please tell me it isn't in New York or something.

D: Calabasas

E: really

J: congratulations Erika

E: thanks


My dad looked down at his phone and frowned

E: what?

D: I'm sorry Sweetie but I have to go

E: oh

D: I'll come see you again as soon as possible.

E: okay I love you

D: love you too.

My dad left and I locked the door behind him. When I turned around I saw Jake with his elbow on the arm of the couch and his head resting in his hand asleep.

I walked over and sat on him side ways so I could easily cuddle him and put my head on his shoulder.

E: Jake

J: what?- oh hi there.

E: hi well I have to tell you something.

J: are you pregnant?

E: no but yesterday I was going to tell you that I would live with you in Calabasas but my dad kinda gave it away not even knowing what was going on.

Jake smiles and kissed me. When we pulled back I put my head on his shoulder.

E: prom is coming up and all of the Cherries have dates. I have to go stag(alone)

J: can you bring people from other schools?

E: yeah but I don't know anyone

J: you know Sunny is 18 and is graduating this year too.

E: you think she'll come with me?

J: yeah she will. Sunny's the nicest person I've ever met.

E: I'm tired

J: I assumed you would be. This week will be over soon and you'll be back to normal Erika.

E: *sighs* I'm assuming Chanthony will be here soon since they come around this time every fvcking day.

*knock knock*

E: since when do they knock?

I got up and went to open the door when I did there stood my dad and Chanthony I let them all in.

D: Erika we need to talk now.

My dad grabbed my arm harshly and pulled me into my room.

E: let go you're hurting me.

D: do you have anything to tell me?

E: um no.

D: two days after Chicago where were you?

He knows god please tell me he doesn't know.

E: I was here at home.

D: or did you go to the doctors and get fvcking abortion?

E: how did you know about that?

D: Erika I always get receipts whenever you go to any type of appointment because I pay for your insurance. And you were underaged then Erika.


D: what do you have to say for yourself?

E: I'm not really sure what you want me to say.

D: Erika Michael-Ann Costell you have never disappointed me until now.

E: dad.

D: I call you when I'm no longer upset and that might take awhile.

My dad walked out and I just stared at my door.

After a couple of minutes I walked out and acted like that conversation never happened.

C: yo Erika I heard you're going to prom with Sunny.

E: yup

C: are you guys on some lesbian lovers stuff or what?

E: it would be so much easier for me if I was a lesbian. Cause all guys are fvcking horrible.

J: what's that supposed to mean?

E: all they do is use you for pleasure and like to show you off to their friends.

J: Erika what is wrong with you?

E: I'm not in the mood to deal with your sh•t Jake.

J: okay I know this isn't one of those dumba$$ mood swings you've been having so I would like to know what. the fvck. is wrong? (btw it is it just took him by surprise)

E: my dad knows about the doctors appointment I had after Chicago and he doesn't want to talk to me and he said he won't be for awhile. Lord knows I don't know how long that'll be.

J: Erika.

E: Don't fvcking Erika, me. Every single day since Chicago I get more and more stressed because I'm sick and tired of everything and everyone.

J: and you don't think I feel the same way Erika?! I've been lying to my family and friends for 2 weeks now! And all of your drama isn't making anything better!

(Chanthony is still there they are just sitting there awkwardly)

E: there is literally no reason to be raising your voice right now.

J: I don't even know why I offered for you to live here. I'm staring to regret it.

I just stared at Jake like wtf. He stared back probably realizing what he had just said.

E: fine then I'll move out and stay in a motel until I graduate. Then I'll move to Calabasas and live my happy life without you.

I stomped away into my room and started crying.

I went to my closet and grabbed my suitcase and started packing until I feel Jakes hands on my arms.

Jakes POV
Why did I say that. That probably was one of her mood swings and I wasn't considerate of that.

A: what just happened.

J: um I'm gonna figure that out and tell you guys later.

C: that's our cue Tony.

They left and I went to Erika's room and saw her crying while packing.

I walked up behind her and out my hands on her arms and she stopped and her arms dropped down to her sides, then I fully wrapped my arms around her from behind while she cried.

J: I'm sorry Erika I didn't mean anything I said. I don't want you to leave. I want you to stay, I need you to stay.

Erika's turned around and hugged me tight.

E: I'm sorry too

J: it's not your fault you can't control it but it'll all be over by the end of this week.

I lifted Erika's head by her chin and gently kissed her.

J: no matter what I'll always need you.

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