Best Friend

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Having had three hours of sleep, a surprise pop quiz and track practice in fifteen minutes, the weekend couldn't come soon enough.

I laced up my shoes in the empty locker room, surprised that the rest of the team were already out there. I hadn't even set foot on the track and I've already had enough of practice. But I figured a run would be good to help clear my mind.

Last night Izzie stayed on the phone with me for about half an hour till she fell asleep. I figured that out when she stopped making sarcastic insults about me. But I stayed on the phone just listening to her breathing, wondering if she was dreaming, and what she could possibly be dreaming about.

Not that I would tell her that.

I hadn't even seen her all day considering she had some council meetings to go to and the thought of finally seeing her after the longest day of my life made my heart go...


A figure suddenly burst from the shadows of the lockers and into the light, making me jump back and fall backwards over the low benches. My heart pumped and pumped at the scare.

"Oh my god! Newton!" I heard a voice cry in concern. Her voice. A second ago I thought I was angry but knowing who it was; my beating heart told me I couldn't be.

She came racing to my aid as I lay on the cold concrete holding the back of my head.

"Shit, I'm sorry." She said half giggling as she reached down to help me up.

I found her eyes and pretended to be mad. And only for a second did she see the smirk on my face when...

"Ah!" She shrieked as I took her hand and yanked her down to the floor beside me.

It was a pretty hard fall but not hard enough considering she caused me to do a full on backflip. However, she wasn't mad either, no. The second she hit the floor she released that adorable laugh that had the butterflies in my stomach doing an entire circus act. And I just couldn't help but join in.

"What the hell were you thinking?" I asked once we finished our fit.

We just lay there, staring at the ceiling not wanting to look each other in the eye as we spoke. I don't know why but I had the feeling that if I faced her right now, I would want more than to count the colours in her eyes.

And I couldn't do that. Not when I was with Evan.

"I was thinking... I wonder if Casey gets scared easily?"

"We didn't watch that scary movie for a reason, Isabella." I reminded her, extending my arm to playfully whack hers.

"Well maybe..." She began as she got to her feet. "If you didn't stay up so late you would be more aware." She reached out her hand again.

I glared at her from my position, not making a move. "Not all of us can fall asleep everywhere, okay. It's like your special talent."

"Oh, like counting stars in yours." she quipped back. Then she grabbed my legs and began dragging me toward the door. "I guess you just bored me to sleep."

"Hey!" I yelped, trying to resist.

"We're going to be late." She replied, not letting go.

Luckily for my long arms, I was able to reach forward, grab her arms and pull them off of my legs. However, I pulled a little too hard and the next thing I knew was Izzie falling on me.

This time after a painful landing on my end, I couldn't breathe as she had literally knocked the wind out of me. But what I didn't expect was to feel Izzie's breathing hitching on top of my chest. I could feel her laughter vibrate through my thin shirt and not long after, I suddenly got my breath back.

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