The First Night

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"Casey!!" A collection of high pitched voices screamed as I walked through the front door.

Jayden, Mia and Nicolas all came running over and around furniture from all directions to greet me with a group hug, even though they could only hug my legs.

"Hey guys." I chuckled as they released me, well, two out of three did. "Nico, are you going to let me in?" I shook him off.

"We missed you!" He said.

"Speak for yourself, Nico." Another voice called out; I smiled.

My eyes trailed up to find her leaning on the kitchen door frame and then back down slowly as I took her in.

It was extra cold today so she was bundled up in a hoodie and track pants which I'm used to seeing her in, but the sight of her never gets old. Not for one second.

She bit her lip, knowing fully well that I just checked her out and wanted to tease me just a little more. But I didn't want to give her the satisfaction so I forced my eyes elsewhere.

"I brought some movies with me," I told the kids, "you guys can grab them from the backseat of my car, it's unlocked."

They all excitedly sped to the car, with Jayden holding 5 year old Mia's hand. I lugged my suitcase inside the house and left it by the door as I approached Izzie.

I got closer and closer with a pace that made her stiffen, and I stopped just in front of her. Close enough to hear her breathing hitch as I waited a second, then two, three, just studying her eyes.

It kind of turned into a game of who would cave first... and what would they do.

So before anything could happen I broke the eye contact and wrapped my arms around her neck, and she instinctively circled my torso.

Izzie's hugs were the safest I've ever felt. She always hughed me in a way that told me she would hold on for as long as she needed to. 

"Happy Feet!"

She chuckled, burying her face into my neck as her little sister ran back into the living room ecstatically with a dvd in hand.

I let go of her warmth as her siblings came back into the house. Izzie sent all three of them upstairs to do their homework before dinner which left us alone downstairs.

"Help me make dinner?" She asked, nodding to the kitchen where I could see there were already ingredients out on the island.

I looked at her sheepishly. "I though my job would be to relax and watch movies with the kids." I joked.

Her head tilted with an unimpressed look on her face. Then as if a literal light bulb went off in her cute ass head, a smirk formed on her lips.

This time it was her that stalked closer. It wasn't as fun being on the other end of the anticipation. I had to swallow because my mouth went dry with the burning feeling in my stomach.

The fire ignited at my hips when she placed her hands on either side and tugged me an inch closer, her eyes never leaving mine.

My eyes instinctively dropped to her lips in time to see them move as she almost whispered :


I caught her staring at my lips, which gave me the chance to say :

"Please, what?"

Our lips were at an impossible distance to resist. I wanted to kiss her. To know what she tasted like and how she danced with her mouth.

I wanted to know if her lips were silk or velvet. Did she kiss slow or fast, and how long till she comes up for air.

I could find out right now.

But this week isn't about me. Or us.

It's about her and her family.

So I stepped back.

"Let's go make dinner." I smiled reassuringly.

I walked past her, shutting my eyes to recollect myself because I couldn't turn around to see the chance that I just missed.

Even if it was the right thing to do.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

"Goodnight, I love you guys." Izzie said as she switched off the light to Jayden and Nico's room.

Since her sister normally slept with her mom at night, Mia wanted to stay with her brothers so she wouldn't feel scared. Izzie and I moved an extra bed into the bedroom which honestly wasn't easy for two girls that were better with their legs.

"I'll take the couch downstairs." I announced in the middle of the hallway.

She turned around and looked at me like I was crazy.

"Newton, you are not sleeping on the couch." She laughed.

"Well I don't think..." I started but then stopped when she raised a brow and the smirk on her face full of amusement.

"Casey, I think we're mature enough to sleep in a bed together." She said. "Plus, coach will probably kick your ass if you show up to practice with a sore back."

"You're right." I decided then regretted it as soon as we walked into her room.

She got under the covers and I hesitated just for a second but Izzie was observant enough to notice.

"Stop being a baby, I'm not gonna bite."

I crawled into bed with her and kept a suitable distance from her side.

It was dark but when my eyes adjusted I could see her silhouette facing me. I didn't need to see to feel her looking at me. Not it a creepy way, but in a nervous 'my body is literally on fire' way.

"Hey, Newton?" She whispered in the dark.


I felt her shift slighty under the thick covers. She moved closer.

My heart honestly thought that it was on the race track right now and I didn't know how to stop it.

"Thank you for being here." She said.

Neither of us said anything else for a beat, then two. I swore she could hear the loudness of my heart echo through the thick silence in the room.

"Goodnight, Izzie." I whispered.

"Goodnight, Casey."

And with that, we both turned away from each other. And the first night began, with endless throughts sprinting through my head; one of them being is she thinking the same things.

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