Not About A Crush

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"Dad, where are the car keys?"

"In the kitchen."

I snatched the keys from the counter as Sam peacefully ate his breakfast.

I dashed out of the house because I was already late to pick up Izzie. I offered to pick her up because her mom's boyfriend was already dropping off her siblings and I didn't want her to take a bus. Plus, I needed an excuse to spend more time with her before school started.

Ever since last week I didn't want to leave her alone for a second in case Nate wanted to try new shit. God, I hate that asshole.

He had the nerve to try and be Izzie's friend when he was so keen to cheat on her a few weeks ago. I could have dropped him right then and there if Izzie hadn't stopped me.

Then again, she was right to. If I got expelled from Clayton I wouldn't be able to see my best friend every day. I mean, I could always come over and babysit with her or hang out every weekend. Either way I need to come up with a plan just in case I felt like beating Nate to a pulp one day.

I stopped outside of her house and texted her.

About a minute later I heard raised voices and a door slam

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About a minute later I heard raised voices and a door slam. Izzie stomped from the front door and to my car.

When she got inside I felt the heat radiating from her body. She looked really pissed and I assumed she just fought with her mom again.

"Hey, are you okay?" I asked. She just looked ahead and tried to steady her breathing. I gave her a minute to gather herself before she answered.

"I'm fine. My mom just told me that her and her boyfriend want to go on a holiday to get away for a bit, and I told her to shove her hotel booking up her ass."

"Seriously?" I withheld a laugh.

"Duh. She literally hasn't been around the house enough to stress about the kids and now she wants a fucking a break? Is she serious?"

"Shit. Is she still going?"

"Who knows. She'll do whatever the hell she wants anyways." She slumped, cross-armed in the passenger seat.

I started the car again and pulled onto the road.

"How long is she going for?" I asked.

"A week. Which honestly isn't any different considering she comes home in the morning every day after getting wasted."

"What are you going to tell the kids?"

She waited a second then answered. "The truth."

I quickly glanced at her from the driver's seat.

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