Animal Behaviour

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I opened the door to welcome my girlfriend and I realized that no matter how much time we spend together, the sight of her will always feel like the first time.

"Hey, baby." She said as she kissed me. "Are your parents back yet?"

We walked towards the stairs. "Nope. They'll be out for while."

Izzie seemed nervous. Like today was different to all the other days that we've spent together. I grabbed her hand for some extra comfort and and she squeezed it back.

"You okay, babe?" I asked as we reached my room.

"Yeah." She assured, taking a deep breath before she walked in. "I just spent the day packing Jayden and Nico's bags for camp."

She fell back onto my bed with a tired sigh and I just looked at her from above. I might have been staring and frankly, a little lovestruck by the way the light of the sun reflected in her irises, but I didn't need to be embarrassed or regretful because that girl right there, that's my girl.

She cracked a small smile. "What?"

"You're beautiful."

The blush colored her cold cheeks and she propped herself up on her elbows. She looked at me, but the way she did was different. It wasn't sweet, it wasn't the usual adorable beam of sunshine that radiated my entire world, no. It was a needy, almost... lustful look.

Then it all clicked. The nerves, the messages, this look. I came to find that I was frozen in place, thinking of the possibility that Izzie wanted to have me. All of me. Then she bit her lip which initiated the words to fall from her mouth.

"Come here." She demanded.

My feet- which were glued to the floor- were suddenly mobile due to the heat that her stare provided. I was getting hotter and hotter with each step I took towards her.

Then I found myself crawling over the bed, but not too quickly. No, I took my time, digging my knees into the cushions as my eyes mapped her entire body before I came to her eyes. With her legs in between mine she had nowhere to go. However, her lustful irises told me that there was no place she would rather be.

I couldn't even kiss her. My eyes and moist lips just stayed inches from hers, admiring the way she looked, and the way she looked at me.

She finally caved and leaned in, one arm held herself up and the other hand snaked around my neck. Her hands were as cold as the weather but her lips were warming up with mine.

She kissed me hard but not aggressive. It was fast but not rushed. She was doing everything right and all I could do was try not to mess up because she was so perfect.

She leaned back onto the bed, allowing herself to pull my face in with both hands. Her tongue begged my lips for more entrance but she was too impatient and forced a moan out of me to part my mouth.

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