When We Could Just Be

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I opened my eyes to an empty half of the bed, my hands pressing on the cold sheets.

I forced myself up on my elbows and found Casey putting a jacket on in front of my mirror.

Her eyes caught mine in the reflection and I bit my lip, unapologetically checking her out.

"Well, Good morning." She said turning around.

I tilted my head. "Why don't you come here and say it again."

A develish smile grew on her lips as she approached. She climbed over the foot of the bed and crawed over my legs to staddle my hips.

Luckily we were in bed because I'm pretty sure if I had been standing, my knees would buckle at her touch.

She leaned down to my lips where I gladly welcomed hers.

Her hand lightly held my chin up, sending heat to my cheeks. I kissed her back with a want— a need. What I wanted was already here but what I needed was for her to stay.

I cupped her face as I pulled us back onto the mattress. She used one had to hold my cheek as the other held herself up.

As our kisses deepened, our breathing did the same. I normally ran on Saturday mornings but I guess I preferred this form of exercise.

Casey pulled back to look at me. Everything I felt for her I saw inside her eyes. It was the reassurance that I needed to pursue what we had because it told me she felt the same.

"We should make breakfast." She said.

"Or..." I smirked, gently pulling her in for a long, soft kiss.

She giggled into my neck and I swore it almost sent me over the edge.

"I'd love to do this all day but my parents called me to say that someone was comingg by for me at home." She sat back.

"Do you know who it is?"

She shrugged. "Some guy that wants to do some tests on my running."

Casey swung a leg over the edge of the bed to get off.

"I'll wake the kids." She smiled then walked out of the room.

I just sat back for a moment, wondering how we got here. From enemies to friends to... whatever we were while making out in my bed. I had to laugh at the crazy journey we've taken.

Once I was done reminiscing I got ready and made my way downstairs.

"Stop it Nico!"

"It's mine!"

I hadn't realized that I waltzed into a battlefield when I entered the dining room.

The two boys were fighting over their favourite spiderman figurine while Mia ate her cereal peacefully and I wondered how I could go back to that life of no worry. Where the world thinks you're adorable and you don't have to plan your future in stress. Back when we could just be.

I walked into the kitchen to start preparing the table.

But I quickly got distracted by the sight of Casey cooking. It was adorable how focussed she had to be when it was time to flip the pancakes.

"You're cute, Casey Gardner." I had to tell her.

She turned around from the stove. "You know what would be adorable?"


"If you helped out."

I rolled my eyes but I was smiling. Ever since last night I couldn't think about anything else but the dance that my lips had with hers.

I came up behind her and dropped a feather light kiss on the back of her neck. I felt goosebumps rise on her delicate skin.

Her head turned toward me.

"Not in front of my pancakes." She gasped in dramatic fashion.

I snaked my hands around her waist and felt her stomach tense under my touch. It was nice to know she felt the same when I touched her.

"Your siblings are in the next room." She pointed out.

I just hugged her tighter. "Then let's tell them together." I mumbled into her back.

She turned off the stove, and with my hands pressed on my stomach I felt her sigh.

I was forced to let go when she turned around to face me. She had this unsure look on her face that didn't sit well with me.

I took a step back. "What is it?"

"It's just..." she looked for the words. "Are you sure you want to tell your family so soon? Especially your little siblings."

This time I took a few more steps back in disbelief. "What does that mean?"

"The kids won't really be able to understand—"

"What won't they understand?" I snapped. "I like you and you like me, what wouldn't they understand?"


"Are you afraid of people knowing?" I asked, borderline annoyed.

"No, what I mean is, shouldn't you tell your mom first?"

"My mom has nothing to do with my life, and that's why you're living here right now so you should know that."

"Iz." She was getting frustrated now too. "Wouldn't you want to control how she finds out? What if your siblings just randomly blurt it out when you're not ready for her to know."

"I don't care what she thinks."

"Of course you do! She's still your mom."

"When did you care what my mom thinks?"

"I care about you! And I don't want you do to anything you'll regret or are not ready for."

"What makes you think I'm not ready?"

This fight was endless and going in circles. I wasn't mad but I was frustrated at how she's questioning my decision.

Had I known our first fight together would be the day after our first date, I wouldn't have gotten out of bed.

"You know what?" She threw hands. "I have to go. Think about what you want to do and how it'll affect everyone, and then whatever decision you make by the time I get back, I'll support you." 

I shut my eyes to calm myself, then watched as Casey left the kitchen and I wasn't able to move until I heard the front door shut.

What the hell just happened?



Hey, it's my first author's note haha.

Sorry this chapter was rushed and shiiiit but I've been super busy with exams and I got inspired and started writing a new book. 🤷‍♀️

So if you like basketball, girls and gay angst, look out for when I publish it :)

But things are about to get bumpy but SOFT at the same time with Casey and Izzie. Tune in for the roller coaster.


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