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"Baby, we're going to be late!" I heard Casey yell from my living room.

"I'm here, I'm here." I huffed as I jogged down the stairs.

When she turned around and saw me she suddenly lost all urgency to be on time for my birthday dinner. The way she looked at me was filled with a sense of pride that I hadn't ever seen in her eyes, not when she won races or broke records. She looked at me like I was her biggest accomplishment and for that I couldn't help but walk closer and throw my arms over her shoulders.

"If we're late, technically it's your fault because we have to stop by your house because you left your wallet."

Her hands moved to my hips and pulled me closer. "Well I'm not making you pay for your own birthday dinner."

I shook my head. "You didn't even have to do anything for my birthday."

"Of course I did, it's like girlfriend 101 to always do something special for your girl on their birthday, even if they hate their birthday."

"But you make me feel special every day."

She just looked at me for a second as she deciphered whether I was being serious or not. And I admit that if she believed that I was anything but serious there was a problem. Because Casey never failed to make me feel like it's our first date on every date, and she always made sure that I was showered with compliments, and savored every kiss like it was our last. She always reminded me that she loved me by doing the little things that add up, and every moment with her had me feeling more special than the last. I wanted her to know that.

"I love you." She said as a response.

My smiled widened to its fullest extent. Hearing her say that was like holding the future in my hands and the door to it was open so long as she meant what she was saying.

"I love you too."

She kissed me softly as I held the back of her neck. We shouldn't be getting this carried away otherwise we would actually be late for dinner, but in this moment- or any moment when I was kissing her like this- there were no deadlines or timelines. There was just... us.

We eventually made it to her car and headed off on the road. I took her hand and rested our interlocked fingers in her lap. She slowly rubbed her thumb over the back of mine as we sat there in content silence.

She brought the back of my hand to her lips and kissed it before she spoke. "So, how do you like your birthday so far?"

I looked at her as she drove. "It's been amazing." I pinched her cheek. 


"Because you're amazing."

She took a quick glance at me, smirking. "Well your birthday's not over yet. I still have to give you your present."

I raised a brow. "And what is that?"

She pulled up to her house. "I guess we'll find out."

She unbuckled her seatbelt and I did my own before she opened her door.

"Come with me." She said.

"It literally takes three seconds to go to your room."

She pouted. "And that's three whole seconds without you."

I just rolled my eyes, smiling despite her cheesiness. "Fine. I'll say hi to my favorite Gardner, Sam."

We made it to her front door and I realized the lights were off inside. I then wondered why she said her family was home but the state of the house said otherwise.

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