Two Teenagers Trying Something New

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"Thank you so much, Miss Gardner. We look forward to hearing from you again."

I never thought William Kelvin would ever be in my living room asking me to train with an elite handpicked track team.

Everything about today had all been so surreal, both good and bad. On the other side of this paradise was that fight I had with Izzie.

I mean, I don't regret anything I said. Coming out isn't easy and it shouldn't be rushed either. But I know it's not my place to decide who she tells and when. I just wanted her to know that all actions have consequences and I'm trying to make sure she doesn't regret her own decision.

Once we said bye to Coach Kelvin, my parents turned to me with their eyes practically popping from their faces.

"So?" My dad asked. "Are you going to do it?"

"I don't know yet." I said honestly. Not only was it a hard decision to make, but it wasn't what was solely on my mind.

"Something wrong, sweetie?" My mom read.

I looked up at them both. I saw the genuine concern in their eyes and I realised that even though they haven't had the most functional marriage, they still loved Sam and I the same.

I sighed, then fell back down on the couch.

"Izzie and I had a fight this morning." My words were slighthly muffled by my hands over my face.

"What happened?" My mom questioned. Both of my parents then took a seat on the couch and gave me their full attention.

"She and I... finally got together." Was the best way I could put it.

"Isn't that a good thing?" My dad chimed in.

"Well, yeah. But now she wants to tell her siblings before her mom and I'm not sure that's a good idea. Then we fought because she thought I was afraid but I'm not... at least I don't think I am..."

"Case," my mom soothed with a hand on my arm. "This is Izzie's story to tell. I know that telling someone makes it a lot more real, so maybe..." she glanced at dad. "Izzie wants to tell her siblings because it's a little easier than telling her mom. Hunny, you're scared and it's okay to be but put yourself in her shoes. She has no idea what her mom's reaction would be. And if she wants to tell her siblings first then maybe she wants the first people to know to be supportive of her."

I don't think I've ever my mom's voice so gentle  and her words so... believable. She was right. I was selfish for thinking that I had a say in Izzie's story to tell. All I could think about was protecting her from regret while she could have been protecting herself from pain.

And now she's spent the past few hours thinking that I didn't support her decision.

I had to make this right.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

I knocked on Izzie's front door, hugging my jacket in the brisk wind. I figured this wasn't the time for me to just walk in. No, I had to make sure she knew that I needed her consent.

She opened up. Her eyes immediately softened on mine and I couldn't help but do the same. I don't exactly know who initiated it but I quickly found myself in her arms.

I breathed in the scent of her rose perfume, the one that came in a crimson tinted glass bottle. The images of her spraying it on her chest then on her wrist in the mornings flashed in my mind; a scent that I have fallen asleep to for the past week.

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