Replaced by a Waltz

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Thanks to @supersteinfeld for the motivation to write this haha.



"Let's go, Quinn!" I heard the coach yell in the distance.

Nationals was visible in the distance and our team did not look ready to even qualify. The qualifiers were in a few weeks, which meant that the girls had been on edge as we were all competing for a spot in the relay team. However, nothing that we were all feeling could match the coach's anxiety, and this meant that our legs, lungs and minds were being put through the ringer these past few weeks.

The only thing that I've had to keep me sane in the exhausting long days and even longer trainings was coming home to Casey. Being in her arms at night soothed the thoughts that I was unable to suppress in daylight. In the darkness I wasn't able to see her, yet the feeling of her skin on mine was a silent conversation in which I truly got to know her.

I crossed the finish line first because my girlfriend was at her elite training today. Because of that she's only able to practice with us twice a week instead of three. It may have been selfish of me to miss her when I get to be the one to take her home, but if loving her was selfish then I guess I'm a sinner.

"Hey, Izzie." Quinn huffed next to me. "What are you doing tonight?"

"For the first time in forever, nothing."

"That's great!" She beamed. "The girls are all going to a Clayton athlete party tonight on the beach. All the elite sports teams are invited."

I hummed decisively. "I don't know, Quinn."

She locked her arm with mine as we walked to the locker room. "Oh, come on, Iz. When was the last time you and Casey just hung out with us?"

I couldn't blame her for the guilt I felt about it. Quinn was right. Casey and I have been so caught up in us and Evan and my family that we haven't had time to consider our own friends.

"Okay." I relented as she squealed in excitement. "I'll ask Casey."

When I got to my locker I immediately dialed my girl.

"Hey, babe." She answered.

"Hey, what are you doing tonight?"

"Mmm... hopefully you."

"Casey!" I whispered harshly, thinking that somehow, someone was going to hear her over the phone.

She just laughed which set off another wave of butterflies in my stomach. "I'm kidding... kind of. Why?"

"Quinn wants us to go to a beach party tonight with all the other sports teams."

"I'm down for that."

"Okay, well then I'll go to your place to get ready."

"Hurry, cause I miss you."

I giggle lightly. "I saw you two hours ago." I said even though I felt the same way.

"One minute is enough to make me miss you. But knowing I go home to you makes it worth while."

"You're cute, Gardner. Bye, I l-" I stopped myself, wide-eyed and shocked that I almost let it slip through the phone. "I-I'll see you in a bit." Then I hung up.


"You guys made it!" Quinn stumbled over to us, a red cup in her hand. "I'll go get you some drinks!" She yelled over the music then disappeared into the large crowd of drunken teenagers.

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