All The Stars

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"Casey, calm down." I attempted to soothe.

She threw her keys on her kitchen counter, running an exasperated hand over her face.

"I can't believe he had the nerve to come after you like that."

"It's okay, Casey..." I told her again.

The car ride back was quiet and awkward, and only now had she began releasing the pent up emotions she didn't want to unleash while driving. She stomped to her bedroom and I aimlessly followed, locking the door behind us. 

"No, it's not okay, Izzie!" I flinched at her tone. "He came looking for me even though I told him multiple times that we're over, he found you instead and threatened you, and he tried to convince me to go home with him. What part of this is okay?"

I sighed, knowing I couldn't get through her rage, at least for now. I took a seat at the edge of her bed as she paced frantically in the room. 

"Casey." I grabbed her arm and stopped her moving. 

She didn't retract which was a good start. I stared up into her hazel eyes the were dominantly green as it swirled with emotions that made her feel small. 

I tried a small smile. "Do you want a hug?"

She tilted her head, looking at me like I was insane. Maybe I was. But if everything was going against us then I figured we at least have each other, and I would remind her of that. 

Her expression softened and she gave in, nodding slightly. 

I stood and wrapped my arms around her neck, burying a hand through her hair. 

She took in my perfume with her head safely rested in my neck and she held me with need, and passion. Like I was going to let go and slip through her fingers even though I wouldn't. I couldn't even if I tried. 

I inhaled, then exhaled slowly, leveling out my heartbeat in hopes that hers would imitate. And soon it did. Her breathing slowed as her chest rose and fell along with mine. 

Life has been a hundred miles an hour lately and the last thing we both needed was to be going against each other when the universe was going against us. 

Casey may not know this yet but I would count all the stars in the galaxy if she were to ask me to. 

Evan, my mom and anyone that has any kind of opinion on our relationship had nothing to do with how we feel about each other, they have nothing to do with what I would do for her, and they absolutely had no say in what my heart tells me because only two people can hear it beat. 

Me, and Casey when her head is on my chest at night. 

I pulled back, still holding her face in my hands. "Have you calmed down?"

She slowly nodded in my hands before studying me. I didn't know what was on her mind but she seemed ready to tell me something. 

Instead of voicing it she leaned in and captured my lips in a gentle kiss. I knew that it was a thank you, but there was something else there. A feeling that was foreign and I could taste it on her tongue. It was sweet and relieving. I just didn't know how to interpret it. 

She then slowly guided me back to her bed, causing me to fall back when my legs hit the foot of it. I moved back as she climbed on top of me, her lips never leaving mine. 

Straddling my hips, she hovered over my face, kissing deeply while the knuckles of her fingers traced along my sides and lifting my shirt ever so slightly. Cold shivers lined the path that she marked with her hands and lit a fire when they ended up over my bra. 

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