Piper As My Roommate

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"Okay, Casey

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"Okay, Casey. What the fuck?"

"What?"  She gasped in disbelief as we lay in her bed catching up.

I turned my head to her. "Who gave you guys the right to be this adorable."

"Jesus Christ, Sharice. I thought you actually had something surprising to say."

"Shut up." I nudged her arm.

In all honesty I couldn't remember the last time that I had seen my bestfriend this happy. When she was with Evan she was satisfied, but not content, or growing and there's a big difference.

The one thing I realized when I watched Izzie and Casey together was that they helped each other grow. Izzie would teach Casey what it was like to compromise in tough situations and Casey is showing her girlfriend that some dreams can be reality. They were both constantly feeding and receiving from each other, which was something that her relationship with Evan lacked.

It never really mattered if he was good to her. All guys can be good to their girlfriends but that didn't necessarily make them the right person for her.

I'm glad Casey realized that before it was too late. And I'm even more glad that it was Izzie who showed her that.

"Hey, so I've been meaning to ask you..." She began hesitantly. "Izzie's birthday is coming up and I-"

"Say no more." I cut off. "Of course I'll help you plan." I clapped excitedly.

However, the look on her face said that my reaction didn't match her reveal. She sat up, which scared me.

"No, what I was going to say is that... I'm going to invite some of the Newton track team to come to the party but I need you to make sure it doesn't get around school."

"What do you mean?" I tried to clarify.

"Evan can't find out."

This was all the information I needed to create the links.

It was a dick move to threaten my bestfriend like that and he was lucky I hadn't seen him around. Otherwise, the next time anyone would have seen me is in an orange jumpsuit with Piper as my roommate.

"Casey-" I couldn't even get half the sentence out before she broke down into tears.

I instinctively weapped my arms around her to let her know she was safe here. In all my time knowing her I had only seen Casey cry once. It was when she couldn't find her brother for a few hours, which jarred her entire family. She wasn't a girl that was very open with emotions, in fact, her floodgates were padlocked shut. You would need the force of an entire city's frustration to open them.

Yet, here she was letting out every drop and not allowing herself to stop them from revealing the fact that she's human.

"Hey, what's wrong?" I asked after allowing her to cry for a while.

She briefly stopped the sobbing and managed to look me in the eye.

"I love her so much, Sharice." A teared streamed down her face. "I fucking love her and I'm so scared of losing her because of Evan. And it's all my fault that we're in this mess because I wasn't clear enough-"

"Woah. No, Casey this is not your fault." I assured. "It's not your fault that Evan can't take the hint. It's not your fault that you're so amazing that he can't get over you, and it is not your fault that you love Izzie so much that you're willing to blame yourself for all of this."

She gave a stiff nod and it was enough to tell me that she was listening. I moved closer to embrace her and allowed her to calm down into my shoulder.

"Casey, I know that you love her. And if you really don't want to lose her..." I pushed her back with my hands on her shoulders, gazing deep into her bloodshot eyes. "You'll tell her."

"What if she doesn't feel the same?" She asked quietly, showing a vulnerability that I had never seen on her.

I shook my head. "If she doesn't feel the same then I'm buying a lotto ticket tomorrow. Because if she doesn't love you then something in the world is fucked and maybe I'm finally lucky in that universe."

Breaking the blue atmosphere she laughed.

"You know you're really good at pep talks."

I shrugged smugly. "I've been watching Jane The Virgin all week and I've learned a little something from the overly emotional characters."


"Don't say I learned nothing from binge watching to procrastinate."

She sighed. "What would I do without you?"

I cringed. "Your life would be void of T.V show references and daily memes."

"It would, wouldn't it?"

"That is a world you do not want to live in."

"No." She smiled. "No, I wouldn't."



A short chapter to *cough* nudge Cazzie along to a big moment.

I'm about to do my end of semester exams which means I get time to write!


And being the dumbass I am... hehehe... I started writing a NEW book 🤦‍♀️ and this one is very........ explicit? Yeah... EXPLICIT hahahaha

Soooooo... here's the story description that you didn't ask for and hopefully it intrigues you hahaha



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