How The Girl Sits

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Hair : check.

Playboy cologne : check.

Charming smile : check.

After ticking off the extensive list of what it takes to be a womanizer, I headed out of my house to Techtropolis.

Sam was already there, not surprisingly, the man thinks an hour early is late.

"Sammy!" I bellowed in an almost empty store.

"Hello, Zahid."

"So, what did you get up to last night? Any new lady hens I should know about?" I moved my brows up and down.

"All hens are ladies" was what he decided to say.

I sighed. "Alright, bro. Whatever. I'll just ship you with your turtle."


Before I could say another word, lady Gardner walked through the automatic doors. And I had to admit, if I was into milfs...

"Morning, boys." She smiled that wide smile that, on a bad day, made her look like a really scary gargoyle and the rest of the week like a typical school function supervisor mom.

"It is now, Mrs G." I couldn't help but say.

She just smiled awkwardly and kept her attention on Sam.

"Why are you here, mom? I'm not off work till three and dad just dropped me off. So it doesn't make any sense that you're here." Sam analysed, then his face furrowed. "Is Edison okay?"

He took to pacing.

"Sweetie, Edison's fine. I just came here to drop off..."

Her sentence was self explained when Gardner number three entered the store.

"Did I miss the memo for family day at work?"

"We don't have family days." Sam unnecessarily pointed out.

"Thank you, Captain obvious."

"I'm not a captain. I don't even have a ship, or even a boat... or a Captain's hat—"

"Forget it."

"Hey, tech freaks."

"Baby Gardner." I acknowledged.

She made a face that proved her nickname true. But she then diverted to a question.

"Where are your locks?" She asked.

I smirked as my mind instantly went there. "Why? Thinking of getting it on with a little more privacy?"

"Zahid!" She slapped my arm. Hard. "My mother's right there."

"Sorry, Mrs G."

"Oh come on, Case, sex isn't something to be ashamed o—"

"Mom! Oh my god, look what you've done." Casey groaned, her face turning five shades of pink on the topic of her shades of grey.

"Okay." I conceded. "Well, the locks are in aisle twelve with the tech security sign."

As I was going to walk her down the rows, our attention was reeled by the opening of the doors once more.

I wondered why so many people were in a tech store at nine in the morning on a Saturday. Most people that came in here were lonely gamers looking to replace their worn out computer chairs in their parents' basement.

But I suddenly couldn't complain when in walked a lavish goddess carved by some tanned gods out there in the universe.

She was a cutie. Petite. Innocent demeanor at first, then you pay attention and see the confidence in her walk and realize that she might be low-key freaky.

The perfect playboy challenge for the day.

"What a fine specimen." I whispered in awe.

"Okay." Casey cut off, sounding disgusted.

I went to fix my collar before taking a step toward the door to assist her. "Oh, she is definitely getting a dose of Z-man."

"Woah there hormone-boy." She pulled me back by my shirt. "Back off, that's my girlfriend."

"Woah." I snapped my head to her. "Baby Gardner, you're into chicks?"

She cruched her brows kind of seriously. Like she didn't really know the answer, but I didn't question it because clueless was probably my default facial expression.

She just shrugged. "I'm into Izzie."

To be honest, I wasn't surprised. I've seen how the girl sits.

I was, however, really impressed that she managed to snatch a catch that looked like that. If there were plenty of fish in the sea then she was the mermaid for sure.

"Does she have a sister?" I asked instead.

"Ew she's like five."

"I'm walking away now."

And I did.

But I watched them pick from a selection of locks that I suddenly didn't want to know about.

Hey, what they do is their business.

"Bro, you didn't tell me your sister had fine arm candy as her girlfriend." I told Sam as he polished screens.

He shrugged. "I didn't get it at first. And I don't like talking about things I don't understand because then I would confuse someone else, and we would both end up stupid."

"Okay... what don't you get?"

"Well, Casey said she loves Izzie but I don't know what love means so I don't understand what she meant when she said that. So I don't talk about it."

I raised my brows while he just brushed over something so heavy like he normally did, not knowing he was doing it.

"Your sister loves her?" I clarified.

"Well that's what she was telling Sharice and I heard them through in hallway."

"Huh" was all I could say until our topic of conversation appeared at the counter.

I smiled charmingly at them. "So, Izzie, I take it."

She gave me a small smile after looking at Casey. "Yeah... how did you..."

"He's creepy like that." Casey joked.

"Creepy... good listener with too much emotional attachment... same difference." I added.

"This is Zahid." Casey introduced properly.

"Oh, nice to meet you."

"Likewise." I scanned their items as Mrs G reappeared.

She tapped Casey's shoulder to get her attention. "After we drop Izzie home we need to stop by the store before your training."

"Alright, Gardners... and future Gardner..." that earned me some glares with blushing cheeks. "Have a lovely day." I just smiled.

"Thanks, Zahid."

They turned to walk away and Baby G and her girl strolled hand in hand toward the dalight like they were riding off into the sunset.

I even witnessed Izzie walk close and kiss Casey's shoulder with a giggle.

Ah, young love.

"Oh, and Zahid..." Mrs G called back. "You're invited for dinner tonight if you're available."

I winked. "I can never pass up your cooking."

With that they left Sam and I on the island of technology... and singledom.

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