The Right Person

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Life has been quiet since I left Izzie's two weeks ago. Though, moving out didn't really make much difference considering we spend all of our spare time together. Whether it be face to face with her beauty or on the phone with her gorgeous mind, I loved every minute of it.

Right now was one of the rare moments she wasn't with me. I was on the school track late after school waiting for one of her council meetings to finish. For the past few days I've been just running and running and running until I questioned if I was running from something.

For the longest time I've had everything. A functional family with regular imperfections, a sweet boyfriend that loved me and attended a school on a track scholarship.

Then everything unraveled when my mom decided she wanted to taste something new, then I found out my dad left us and I broke up with my boyfriend.

But because of all of that, I got closer to Izzie by confiding in her about my life's problems. Then it led me to realize that she was the missing piece that held me together when I was falling apart.

Now I can proudly call her mine and not a single soul in our school gave a shit about it. Well, at least if they did, they didn't say it to our face. It's not like we advertised our relationship. Whoever caught on, caught on and whoever didn't, didnt.

We lived in an age where it didn't really matter to the youth because we all grew up with the topic in society. But some people were also natural assholes and we can't really cure them as much as they can't cure us.

"Hey, you."

I was smiling before I had even turned around. When I finally did, I was welcomed by her dimpled smile. The kind that made my run faster that I'll ever be.

"Hi." I beamed, meeting her halfway with a kiss.

She wrapped her arms around my waist and I enclosed her by hanging mine over her shoulders.

"You ready to go?" She asked.

We were going out for dinner tonight but it was a nice brightness outside and I wanted to just revel in the peace of our surroundings for a moment.

"Not yet." I whispered then leaned down to capture her lips again.

Kissing her was a feeling that would always be new and familiar at the same time, and it had the ability to drown me in time until I didn't know what day it was anymore. But once she released me it still would have felt too quickly.

"Let's go for a walk." I suggested, slipping my hand into hers.

She looked at me funny. "A walk?"

"Yeah." I giggled. "We spend so much time running, why not slow down and talk."

A mischievous grin formed on her lips as she tugged my hand closer. "But I like it when we don't talk." She whispered millimeters from my lips... then she pulled back teasingly. "But sure, let's walk." Then she let go of my hand and skipped ahead.

What a tease.

"Hey!" I ran after her but she attempted to get away in full school uniform so it wasn't that hard to catch her. Plus, I was faster... but I won't tell her that.

I ran up and hugged her from behind to stop her and she just laughed in my arms which made her too weak to resist.

I rested my chin on her shoulder then took a long, deep breath in. The scent of fall emmited from the floating leaves around us.

I dropped a kiss at the base of her neck before I released her.

Our fingers naturally interlocked as we proceeded to walk the track.

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