If It Wasn't For Hot Chocolate

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"Gardner, that was your worst time yet." The coach unapologetically called out in front of the team.

As much as I wanted to defend Casey, the coach was right. But I also knew that Casey was the fastest runner on the team and this wouldn't happen unless something was wrong. Not that I needed a timer to tell me that; I've known something was up when I didn't get a single message from her over the weekend.

"Sorry coach, I'll do better." Casey replied, her head down and not fighting it.

"You're damn right you will. I didn't bring you all the way to Clayton for you to run slower than Quinn, no offense Quinn."

I almost wanted to look away. Sure, she's seen me cry and break down but it's different being on the other end of it. Casey's never been the type of girl to let her feelings out through communication. I learnt that first hand when she and I didn't talk after we fought.

Though, seeing her upset and not knowing a thing about why makes me wonder how awful I must be as a best friend.

The team dispersed and headed to the locker rooms but I couldn't go any longer without knowing.

"Newton." I called. She didn't turn. She was a bit ahead but surely she could hear me. "Newton!" I called again. Nothing.

"Casey." I pleaded.

She stopped. Even in the darkness of whatever could have been happening, I could have smiled. She never really liked me calling her Casey. I guess to her 'Newton' is kind of the symbol of our friendship, but I've always preferred Casey. Not that I would say it, it might crush her.

When she finally faced me I walked as close as could but gave her enough space to not feel ambushed.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

She couldn't even look me in the eye. "Nothing." She lied.

"Case..." I sighed. "You know you can talk to me right?"

I figured pushing her to tell me would only push her away. The last thing I wanted to do was push her before she was ready to say anything and that's when more problems rise.

If she wanted to tell me now, great. If not, then that's okay too. If it were three in the morning and she decided she was ready I would answer on the first ring, but I didn't want to know unless she wanted me to.

That's how you show someone you truly care about them. If you're willing to wait.

"I know." She almost whispered. "Just family drama, that's all."

Even though I knew she wasn't telling me the whole story, I accepted it, and made sure she knew that.

"I get it. Well, if you wanted to take your mind off of your family drama, you could help me with mine." I smiled reassuringly. "I have to babysit my siblings tonight if you wanted to join us for a movie."

"Thanks but I have so much school work to do." She excused.

"Oh, okay. If you finish early then you know where I'll be."

With that she left. Not another word or even a glance back. I couldn't help but wonder if I had done something wrong. I mean, I don't think I have but I had a strange feeling I had something to do with it.

If only I knew then I could at least say sorry for it. The fact that she wasn't even talking to me was killing me. I'd rather have her angry and yelling at me than to not hear her voice at all.

But I left it for now. She'll come to me when she's ready.

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