I Like You Too

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"Faster... Faster!"

I came up for air in the final stokes.

I touched the wall of the pool to stop my time. I was first in the 10 lap race against the other girls.

I leaned back against the tiles as I caught my breath again. The coach was yelling endless commands at the rest of the team as they finished their laps and I couldn't help but watch Casey's lane.

For some people, spending too much time together made them sick of each other, but not Casey and I. Well... not yet anyways.

When I woke up this morning, she wasn't in the bed because she had turned off my alarm and made breakfast for the kids.

Then we ate together, pack our gear together, dropped off the kids together and that was when I realized that I wanted to do everything with her. See her everyday, hold her, kiss her when I wanted and hug her when I needed.

I wanted her.

For one whole night, I spent half a meter away from her body sharing her warmth, and it was the longest night of my life.

I couldn't sleep knowing that she was so close, yet so far.

I haven't even told her that I liked her, and neither has she. We've both just assumed that we liked each other with the flirting and all the eye contact but God, Casey Gardner, you make me feel so sure and confused all at the same time.

"Alright, ladies! Change and go home." The coach instructed.

Everyone headed for the changing rooms but I couldn't find my towel anywhere. I began walking to the other side of the pool when...


"Aaaahhh!!!" I screamed, and in the process tripping over my conveniently placed towel and falling right back into the pool.

The coldness of the water hit me like a bullet spray of ice. When I resurfaced I was looking up at a hysterical Casey Gardner who was laughing her ass off.

"Payback." She said between laughs.

"I hate you."

"You love me."

I tried to stay mad but I just couldn't. Not when I was hearing her laugh or seeing her smile, and not when she looked so good wet. Like, water wet, not... Izzie just stop.

"You just had to get me wet again..." Oh my god. "I mean— like water wet... fuck it." I gave up trying to explain when her laughter said that there was no point.

"I did that as an excuse to do this..."

A second later I was screaming again because she decided she would canon ball so close to my face.

"Casey!" I shrieked, then spashed her face as she resurfaced.

"Hey!" She splashed back.

In the midst of my laughter, I turned to swim away but she caught onto my leg underwater.

I frantically tried to kick her away but she had surprisingly good grip.

She pulled my leg toward her and I don't know why but I instinctively wrapped my legs around her waist.

Her hands supported my bare back and in the ice cold water I felt my entire body heating up.

I looked down at her with my arms around her neck.

Two inches. A short distance but to us it was a leap.

But even knowing that, I also knew that Casey would meet me halfway. I only had to jump.

But I couldn't. Not yet.

There were too many unknown feelings and things unsaid. And I couldn't act on anything knowing that I haven't said the words that built its foundation.

I needed her to know first.

"I like you, Casey." I said out loud for the first time.

My hands held her face as she smiled a smile that cleared the gray clouds with sunshine.

"I like you too, Isabella."

The wide smile on my face couldn't express how free I felt.

I was floating on a cloud, lit by her sunshine in a world we can call ours.

Before I knew it, we had gradually floated to the edge of the pool and I found out when my back was pressed to the wall of tiles.

I gazed down at her and I realized I was content like this. In the freezing cold water, just holding her, because even if we were in an ocean, I'd jump in to have this one last time.

"What now?" I asked.

"Now..." she tightened her grip on my waist. "I get to ask you something."

I tilted my head. "What?"

"Izzie, will you go on a date with me?"

This must have been what raw feelings felt like. One touch from her makes my body sensitive enough to burn for hours and one sentence can shatter all the walls I have built around me.

"I'd love to."

"Great..." I watched her charming smile fade into a mischievous one and before I knew it she had dipped us both underwater.

I let go of her and swam back up to the surface to immediately begin laughing with my first breath.

"Casey!" I fake-scolded, splashing her.

"You two!" Another voiced yelled, startling us both. It was the coach. "Out. Now. If either you get sick tomorrow, I'm making you run double."

Casey and I waited for her to leave again in silence and as soon she was gone we burst into laughter.

However, we did get out of the pool straight afterward. I went to pick up my towel but someone bet me to it.

I was about to say something insulting when she wrapped the towel around my back to cage me in, then pulled me closer with the ends of it.

I stopped an inch from her lips but our foreheads naturally fell into place together. My cheeks were probably bright red considering how hot I felt even after being in a freezing pool. So, I tried not to focus on her lips.

Though, that was extremely hard knowing that I could feel her breath grazing my lips, and calling— no, begging them to connect with hers.

"I promise to do this right." She said with her forehead against mine.

"I believe you."

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