People Who Kind Of Lived Together

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"What the heck do you need colouring pencils for?" I asked Casey over the phone.

I pushed the shopping cart through the store wondering when I started liking an actual child.

"For uhm..." There were a few whispers before she returned to the phone. "Nico's colouring book." She concluded.

"Okay, Nico doesn't have colouring books because Nico doesn't like colouring."

They were silent. And by that I mean Casey and all of my siblings because they were all up to something and I wanted to know what it was.

Leaving Casey with the kids seemed like a good idea half an hour ago, now I'm sure they did something they didn't want me to find out about.

"At least tell me the house isn't on fire." I sighed.

"Nope. Perfectly... perfect."

"Good enough. I'll be home in fifteen minutes." I hung up. I wasn't so sure if I wanted to know what they were up to. I should have left Jayden to babysit Casey.

When I got back to the house, all of the lights were off on the inside. I placed the bag of groceries outside the front door as I unlocked it.

When I opened the door...

I stood back, taking in what they had set up.

The pitch black living room floor was lit with an aisle of small candles with flower petals spread on the trail to the kitchen.

Casey's silhouette emerged in the darkness with a wide smile that I wanted so badly to pull onto my lips.

"Surprise." She said, stepping out to greet me with a hug.

"What is all this?" I asked, still in shock.

"I realized that we couldn't go out for our first date till your mom comes back, and honestly I couldn't wait that long... so, I brought the date to you."

I was beyond words. Romance had never been something I was good at. My previous relationships were never something I thought too much about. It was mostly hang out and go out then slap a label on us.

But Casey... she's the first to make me see an us beyond just being together. She makes me think that we can succeed and we can be family.

She grabbed the grocery bag and placed it inside next to the door to worry about later.

Then she slipped her hand into mine to guide me through the aisle.

When we made it to the dining room, we came up to the kids holding one sheet of paper each which spelled out We Love You. And the table behind them was prepared with lasagna and scented candles.

"Jayden told me where your favourite lasagna place was and we picked it up when you went to the store. We were running a little late so we stalled by making you buy colouring pencils." Casey explained.

"You didn't have to do this." I told her.

"I like lasagna too, don't make this all about you." She smirked.

I playfully shoved her shoulder.

"Shut up."

The kids all came and gave me a hug then left to watch a movie upstairs as a request from Casey.

"What did you tell them?" I asked her curiously as we sat down at the table.

"That we were doing an Izzie appreciation surprise... Then after explaining to Mia what appreciation meant, we did this."

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