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The air in the room was thick as the higher ups discussed their future plan for me. They were all busy busting their heads giving ideas. But most of the time, they didn't agreed with each and everyone and dumped the Ideas they were giving and start again. It was Insane, I didn't know planning for my career would be this big and difficult. It was pretty hard for me to listen to their endless ideas. I was left in daze watching as their mouth moved and talked in circles.

I couldn't even grasp a single word their talking. Even if I understand a thing, It was the higher ups who got to decide about me. I was afraid they might end up terminating my contract if they didn't come into an agreement.

Singing while dancing was tiring but It was what I want and what would help me earn a living.

"When will her manager would come here?" One of my boss asked.

My head perked and shut to his direction getting my attention. I was curious who would be my manager. I was really hoping to have a very handsome, sensible and thoughful manager. Someone who was going to look after me seriously and will treat me right. But my hope was crash shortly after I heard the guy next to me speak.

"She would be here in two days max." He said.

"That would be great. For the meantime, you Seungri will be Ms. Jennie Kim manager then." My boss said looking at the guy beside me whose name was Seungri.

I sighed feeling rejected knowing that my manager was a girl. I looked dejectedly at Seungri, not hiding the fact that I wasn't please to have a girl for a manager.

"What?" He whispered.

"Is she cool?" I asked silently. I wanted to asked why It couldn't be a guy instead but decided not too. I dont want to sound too demanding now that may career was just starting to bloom.

He gave a dead look. It was enough for me know that I was doom. Surely, I would have a shabby old woman as a manager and everything couldn't get any better. I ended up closing my eyes, consoling myself.

The meeting ended. We waited till the boss left the room before we headed out. I remained my mouth shut the whole time after asking about my manager. I wasn't expecting anymore. Regardless of whom would be my manager, I would do my very best to keep my career.

Seungri began to work as my temporary manager. He insisted on driving me home and even open the van for me. He was nice and caring but it was all because our boss entrusted me to him. He told it to me himself. He was just afraid he'll lose his job if he didn't do his job well.

The drive to my new apartment where a bit long. It took us half an hour to reach the building. It was in hongdae and I was more than glad to start a living here. It was my dream after all. I feel commended with all the hard work I been throughout my trainee years.

"This is your key. Make sure to lock your door and don't put your cellphone on silent. Okay?" Seungri instructed me. We were standing outside my apartment.

"Got it." I answered shortly wanting to cut the conversation short.

I was tired and I wanted to rest my body. Surely, there would be a soft mattress waiting for me to comfort my worn out body and restless mind.

"Okay then. I'll leave now. Don't forget what I said." He said and finally leave. He seemed like he was in rush too. Probably tired like me.

I grinned widely staring at the rectangle card in my hand.

Finally! Another chapter of my life will begin. We can do it Jennie!


The room was splendid, there was already a complete set of furniture and appliances. Paintings hanged on the wall elegantly making the room cosy and artistic at the same time. There was mini bar connected to the kitchen and devided the sala. There were two rooms in total but the other one was already turn into a walk in closet. I was surprise to so many stylist clothes inside. I couldn't believe my eyes, there was too much to see, from head dresses to shoes. Everything I needed was already presented in front of me and I was more than grateful to have all of these.

JENLISA: My Manager [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now