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After the small bickering and a silent early dinner that we had, my manager and I went straight to the airport to catch our flight with me still ignoring her. I was still upset to her for not confiding me first before she decided and just gave her mother a go.

For her going back to Thailand to meet her mother was like a grand vacation at last, but it wasn't the same case for me, though it wasㅡI'll never consider it yet. I still thought of weird scenarios in my head together with her mom, mostly me being so awkward and nervous in front of them or me getting stupidly foolish in front of her mother. Just thinking of meeting her mother made me nervous and sick in my bones. I didn't know why I feel that way, but there was one thing I knew for sureㅡI wasnt ready to meet her mother yet. I still couldn't believe that I was going to meet her mom any time from now.

And as we neared the exit of the airport, my anxiousness was going strong as bull and high as the empire state. My heart throbbed in incredibly fast phase, my palms sweated and my legs refused to move. There were what if's questions running in my head. Like what if her mother doesn't like me, what if her mother was against our relationship, what if her mother wanted to meet my parents in able to allowed me to date her daughter? How would I present my parents to her? Surely if it happened, it would be a tough one for me.

My manager might had feel that I wasn't on my best behaviour and stopped to check on me.

"Are you alright.. babe?" She asked worriedly and put her hand on my shoulder completely forgetting the eyes in our surrounding.

"I'm f-fine.." I lied and tried to wiggle her hand off me, fearing that someone might took a picture of us and spread it on the Internet. I saw her head creased and somewhat confuse. I felt sorry but I was just making sure were safe.

My manager regretfully removed her hands off me and back away awkwardly, before repeating the question again, this time it was monotone like she didn't mean it at all.

"Are you alright?" She asked. I hummed in response. "Good then...Just follow me."She added sounding upset and turned her back on me then walked in front of me. I tailed behind.

Adjusting my glasses and making sure that the mask was covering my face while discreetly observing my surrounding. I sighed in relief when I saw nothing was giving a darn to us. I followed my manager who was walking straight ahead and didn't even glance at me.

Upset again and again and again. I huffed and regretted my action right away, but at the same time feel annoyedㅡ annoyed that she couldn't even see the reason why I did what I did and just focus on being a butthurt.

Still following after her, I shrugged the negative thoughts away to free up my mind, and as we head out, a black Mercedes SUV was waiting in front of us. My manager stopped as the door opened on its own, she looked back at me and motion me to go first. I followed quietly and watch in my peripheral view as she hopped in too.

"Whats wrong?" She asked in a melodious voice as soon as the door closed. Her hand reached mined and tried to sooth me.

My ears perked up as if I heard her wrong. I thought she was mad.

This wasn't what I'm expecting her to say.

"You're not mad at me?" I asked skeptically. Somehow still taken aback at her.

"Why would I?" She asked with ever so confuse face, only for me to find her cute like a kid in my eyes." Did you do something wrong that will make me mad?"

"Nothing." I chuckled and shook my head for poorly thinking about her. I was the one who misunderstood her.

She chuckled too and entertwined our fingers together while looking at me like a lovesick teenager.

JENLISA: My Manager [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now