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Two days before my most awaited day, my manager decided to take me out to have some fun. She told me she wanted to unwind and go to amusement park before we become busy. I was hesitant at first because I wasn't really a fan of scary rides and I feared there would be a lot of people there, but her persistent leave me no choice but to come with her.

"See? There's not much people here during the weekdays. You're safe ... and beside no one will recognize you here." She said with an excited wide smile plastered on her face.

"How could you be so sure?"

"I'm just sure." She said and dragged me to the entrance.

She paid for our ticket and even insisted of buying me snacks. It was her treat, she said. Her hand never leaved mine. She was protectively holding my hands whenever we go and would glance at me like she wanted to say something.

"Where do you want to start?' She asked glancing at me, then back to the high rides in sight.

"I'm not going to rides any of that." I said feeling nauseous just seeing the rides in front of me. Her head snapped to me.

"That can't be. We're going to ride all of them. Let's start with the vikings." She said and dragged me to where the Gigantic swinging boat was.

"I'm seasick I can't ride boats." I said trying to escape my way out.

She stopped and turned to me. "Were in land not in sea, so its okay." She said with a poker face.

"I'm serious. I have motion sickness too." I insisted, staring directly at her eyes to show her I wasn't joking. Her head crease seeming disappointed."I get sick easily." I added.

She pursed her lips and looked around us. Her hand pressed mine and laced our fingers together. I let her be not because I felt sorry for her, but because I enjoyed the warm feeling radiating from her hand and I like how our hand perfectly fit together.

"Let just go over there and see what we can play there." She said giving me a smile, though I could see in her eyes that she was a bit disappointed.

My heart saddened seeing her feeling down. I felt responsible and bad for ruining the fun. She was about to go to where she pointed at but I stopped her.

"What?" She asked.

"Do you really want to ride that?" I asked biting the inside of my cheeks.

"Nah." She said with a shook of her head. Her other hand held my face as she stared down at me."I don't want you to get sick and besides... there are more attraction here that I'm sure we'll going to enjoy." She said with a smile and gave a light pinch on my cheek.

I pouted and took her hand off me."Yah... You're making me feel more bad than I am right now."

"Why?" She asked chuckling and began to walked. I tagged along."If you feel bad then we can ride one later."

"Okay...." I nodded."But not the vikings please.... and the roller coaster, and thㅡ "

"ㅡlater." She said cutting me off."Now let just go over. I saw a shooting game nearby and I want to get you something."


I heard my manager snigger beside me when the bullet missed the target once again.

"Its your third try already and you still didn't get a prize. You know you need to shoot at least five of the target to get that small key chain right? And you're aiming to that panda." She said chuckling beside me.

"Haven't you heard of the saying 'try and try until you succeed?" I asked while I focus my eyes on the target. I pulled the trigger and miss again. "Arrrrggg!" I groaned getting annoyed at my incapability to shoot the target."Why does the target for that giant panda should be that small?!" I asked in frustration, putting the airgun down after missing the small action figure on a rack. It was my last bullet.

JENLISA: My Manager [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now