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I stayed in the hospital for 18 days before I got myself out of the white painted wall of silence. I wasn't suppose to stay that long but my manager insisted and wanted me to completely heal before the doctor sign my release paper.

Throughout the whole weeks of staying, My manager and I got a bit closer to each other. I learnt that the apartment I was staying was practically hers. I was embarrass when she said it. All the stylist clothes I shamelessly wore were hers. Seungri didn't mention that the apartment belongs to her and she was just generous enough to share it with me.

My manager wasn't really insolent. She said she was doing it in purpose to annoyed me, Seungri or anyone else who tried to talk to her. And among the two of us, she was the one who was not much of a talker, but she sure knew how to laugh all the times. Even with silly jokes she'll crack up. Yet it was different when she get mad, even I got scared too. There was a time she scolded a nurse for not doing her job right.

The nurse was too caught up staring at my manager who was currently eating her breakfast and the nurse didn't notice that she was already giving me a wrong medicine. My manager saw it and shouted at her. We both flinched and looked at her. She stood up and gripped the nurse wrist, and took the medicine on her hand. I learnt that she won't hesitate to hurt someone if she ever saw or caught it doing wrong. She was strict as she was pretty and It was terrifying for me.

"FINALLY!!" I cried spreading my arms wide feeling the cool breeze of winter gracing my face when I stepped out of the hospital. It was like being having a freedom after years of staying in jail. But it was cut short when my manager appeared on my back.

"Let's go. Stop being stupid and walk." My manager said and dragged me away from the sight of the people starring at me. Her arm on my waist while her head hung low.

She was embarrass.

I giggled and walked along with her 'till we stopped in front of black sports car. My mouth went wide seeing the Camaro Panther in front of me. I love black and I was starting to like the black car in front of me.

"Is this yours?" I asked in disbelief.

She nodded in returned and scratched the back of her head. One of her habits. She opened the door on passenger seat for me and looked around.

"Just hop in. Hurry." She said with urgency.

I hopped in as she told and watched her hurriedly ran to the other side to get in.

"Buckle up." She said shortly and started the engine.

I wasn't even done buckling the seat belt when she suddenly stepped on the gas and drove off.

"YAH!" I cried in surprise."Can't you drive slow? Were not even in the highway yet and you drive like you own the road!"

"I owned everything." She mumbled shortly but I heard it.

"What are you? King of the word?" I asked in mocking tone. She was beginning to talk with one sentece to me again. She always did it when she was a bit off.

"Shut up..."She said and pressed her lips together.

I noticed she keep on looking on the rear mirror and side mirror, then she would change gear like a pro and stepped on the gas more.

The car came to a pull speed like where on a drag race. My heart thumbed on my chest. My breath hitched in both excitement and fear. I gripped the handle on the side and close my eyes praying for our safety.

Sure I didn't die when I fell in the bathroom but I might died in trepidtion if she didn't slow down. I thought.

The car screeched and began to slow down. I exhaled in relief and opened my eyes slowly. I saw that were in a basement.

JENLISA: My Manager [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now