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My eyes stayed at the devil beside me, observing her for a good minutes while she watched the news on TV. She was munching the granola bar on her hands as she comfortably sat at the hospital bed with me. She heaved a sighed and threw her right arm on my shoulder and force me to looked at the T.V.

"Look at her." She said pointing at Jisoo on the screen. "Do you really think I'll date someone who feel so high and might like her? Like as if she's the queen of the world?" My manager scoffed.

"I don't know. You never mention to me your type, how would I know?" I answered rolling my eyes on her and taking her arms off my shoulder.

My manager took out her phone and tapped the camera icon before she held it in front of my face. " There you see.. She's my type." She said chuckling at her own antics.

I shoved her phone away and scowled to hide what I truly felt. She was being cheezy again resulting for my toes and fingers to curled.

The devil laughed again on my side.

"When are you planning to take me out of here?" I asked changing the topic.

"When you get better." she said yawning and lying down while stretching her arms.

"But I feel better now." I said pursing my lips out trying to act cute for her.

"Sucks that lips in before I do it for you." She said flatly and sat up matching my height. Her head stopped just a few centimeter away from me. In reflex, my hand went on her shoulder stopping her. My eyes widened. I tried to shove her but her body wouldn't budge. I saw her eyes focusing only on my lips. The muscles on her face were tense. It was like she was trying to restrain herself and was having a hard time doing it. An amount of self-confidence suddenly surged through my veins after seeing the effect I had on her and made me bold. Arching my brow in amusement, I slid my hands on her shoulder up to the back of her neck and watched her squirm under my touch. I played her hair and leaned my head closer to see her reaction. I mentally cheered in pure delight when I saw her closed her eyes and I noticed her knuckles turned white clutching the blanket.

"What's wrong?" I asked while deliberatelty closing the distance between us but enough not to kiss her. Her face reddened.

"Stop playing." She said with gritted teeth. Her eyes opened and darted to mine. I could feel the warmth radiating from her heated cheeks. Hear breath grazing over my skin and made me feel arouse. My action seemed to backfire and make me blushed. "I'm barely holding myself. please stop it."

I huffed and shoved her again not because of what she said, But because I could barely hold myself too. I stopped myself before I lost my sanity and pounce at her. Just thinking about it made me feel nauseous. I couldn't imagine and accept myself forcing my way to someone just to satisfy my needs. It was so unbecoming of me.

My manager took a deep breath and exhaled loudly. I saw her unbottoning the first two button of her polo and fan herself.

"I-I'm hungry." I blurted without looking at her. My hand fidget nervously in my lap. My heart beat fast against my chest.

"O-yeah, I'll buy you something to eat then." She said and hurriedly leaved the bed. She rush to get her wallet and went out the room without looking back at me too.

I sighed after the door closed and gave a slight slap on my cheeks to wake my senses up. "Pull yourself together Jennie!" I hissed to myself after getting embarrassed on what I did. I was trying to relax as I randomly check the channel to find something I could watch when suddenly a phone rang and vibrated beside that made me jump in surprise.

"Oh my god!" I gasped in surprised and almost threw the remote on my hand. I glanced to my side and saw My managers phone vibrating wildly on the bed. I took the device to see who was calling her and got myself a frown after reading 'Kim Jisoo' on the caller name. It annoyed me to see her name flashing in the screen and to know that they have sort of connection to each other broke my heart. I watched as the sound went off and the vibrating stop.

JENLISA: My Manager [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now