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My lips released a sighed of relief after the success of my first ever appearance at the fashion show I attended. It was superb and to be introduce as the muse was nerve wracking and very intimidating, as well to meeting some biggest artist from around the globe. I suddenly became conscious of my every move and careful to the words I got to say.

My hands still gave a light tremble as I headed my way out of the venue with a few body guards on my side. I won't be this self-conscious if my manager was beside be but no, only my stylist who was invited too was the one with me, while my manager stayed in the car waiting for me.

"This way Ms. Kim." One of the guard said and showed me the way to where my manager car was park.

"Thank you." I smiled and looked ahead.

My manager might have notice me as the door to the driver seat soon open and out my manager itself. She rushed to the the other side to open the door for me and help me to climbed in the back quietly before she rushed back to the driver seat without even saying Hi to me. My stylist rode shotgun.

"Why are you so quiet?" I asked from the back and stared at her back. She was buckling her seat belt up and not talking.

She looked at me through the rear mirror and glance at my stylist finally getting why, but still feel disappointed to receive a silent treatment from her. Though I knew she just want to keep our status low even with the presence of those people who know her and just want to be careful, it still upset meㅡ moreover I expected her to welcome me with her usual bright wide smile and warm hugs.

Not wanting to throw a fit with my stylist inside, I just get my cellphone and plugged the earphone on. My mood was suddenly dropping to the ground. Even music couldn't even lift my spirit up and I was close to losing my temper.

I didn't know what had gotten into me but with my manager silent treatment upset me.

"This is boring!" I groaned out loud and pulled the buds off my ear, deliberately showing my displease for my manager to see.

My manager glanced up and looked at me meeting my eyes. She got her left eyebrow up as if asking me why and back to the road again.

"You're so dense." I scoffed and mumbled under my breath, and glared at the back of her head.

My manager cleared her throat.

"I'm going to drop you to a nearby bus station." My manager said coldly addressing my stylist. " Or just get you a cab. Jennie had to go to another schedule and Its not possible to drive you back to the company."

My mind wonder what schedule she was talking about as I completely remembered that I had no other schedule than this fashion show.

"Its alright Ms. Manoban." My stylist said with a obvious nervous voice. "Bus sounds nice and... O' there's a bus station if you turn that curve."

"O'right." My manager nodded and turned the wheel to head to where my stylist instructed.

As soon as my stylist jumped out the car and closed the door my manager looked back at me and spoke before she drove off.

"Okay, spill it." She demanded staring at me but I didn't speak and remained mum. My manager sighed. "Would you mind moving here beside me?"

I ignored her.

"Please..." She pleaded with matching sad eyes that tickled my heart.

"Fine!" I barked and used the gap in between the driver and passenger seat a way to take shotgun. My manager helped me and buckled my seat belt for me like she always do. She was shaking her head, but was smiling at me.

JENLISA: My Manager [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now