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My hand shook as I sign the new contract I had in my hands. Closing the deal we got to my new CF and my first time ever clothing brand sponsor I got, Chanel with a smile on my face. It was a big surprise to me when my manager opened about it first thing in the morning.

I thought when the night she said that I need to wake up early, I would just had an ordinary recording like we always do, but my expectation skyrocketed when she told me I got to sign with clothing brand chanel. That they requested me themselves to be their new face, the muse of their brand.

It was a new blessing and I was so thankful to my company and to my manager who was always there to help my career to bloom.

But there was one thing that bugged my mind the whole time I listened to their talk. I thought Director M or someone in the company with a high position would accompany us, but nothing. I went and got the new deal with my manager alone. She alone were talking business, signing and compromising and dealing with the clients. I was astouned to know that she wasn't just like any other manager whose only work was to follow their artist around, and at the same time it was fascinating ㅡ Fascinating to watch her acting all so serious and focusing on what she was doing.

""I want to ensure that your artist will receive only but the best she deserve Ms. Manoban." The man in black said with a over confident smile on his face.

"Should be. or otherwise you can kiss goodbye to this deal." My manager said airing with cockiness and muttered the last statement under her force smile.

The man in front of us gave her a confuse look while my manager return it with over so fake, but sweet smile she could muster.

"Be on your best behavior, Lisa." I muttered under my breath and gave her shin a kick under the table. Her head turned sideways and frown at me, but then, nodded.

My manager cleared her throat as she face the man again.

"It's our pleasure to finally work with you sir." She said and stood up. Her hand extended over.

"Likewise." The man said and shook my manager hand. The two exchanged a glances and respect before the man turned his attention to me and extended his hand too to shake my hand.

The meeting end quite quick and I watched as my manager walked the man and his minions out of the room. And as she return back, my Manager had the biggest smile on her face that brighten my day too.

"Why are you smiling?" I asked lifting my palm and caress her face.

"I'm just happy." She answered back with the same gesture. "Wow! My girlfriend is really the most gorgeous woman ever in this generation. You even got chanel under your spell. I'm so honored."

"You're forgetting about you." I said and pinched her cheeks to express my fondness. "Haven't I tell you that you are so beautiful and handsome at the same time?"

"You haven't." She giggled and stole a peck on my lips. "I know I got the looks, but still, it's nothing compare to the beauty you possess."

My face blushed and I knew from the way she grinned at me that my face was burning red right now.

"And I'm the luckiest person on earth because I got to see the beauty everyday of my life.." She said again and brushed my hair aside as she stared deep in my eyes. "And the beauty behind those make up is what I love the most."

"You don't love me with make ups on?" I pouted.

"Yes." She chuckled earning a glare from me. Her hands cupped my face as her head leaned down matching my height. "I just don't love you. I really... really really... really Love you."

JENLISA: My Manager [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now