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"Yah, is that how I teach you?" My manager A.K.A dance instructor remarked with a frown oh her face."How many times do you need to mess up?"

"Sorry. I'll do it again." I apologized feeling sorry for her. She was giving her all to help me, but I wasn't much of a help to her. I was just making her job hard.

My manager sighed and slumped her shoulder staring at me. I could see from the way she looked at me that she was already tired, and disappointed at my slow pick up. I couldn't blame her. I knew and I admitted to myself that I was not in focus for today. No matter how much effort I exerted just to perfect the choreography, everything always went down the drain. I was getting mad at myself too but there was nothing I could do. My mind was preoccupied with all the thoughts that bugged me for the past few days.

"Nevermind. Let's take a break. You're here but your mind focus isn't here. "She said mumbling the last sentence to herself, dismissing me. "There is no point to continue our practice if your attention is not here."

I sighed and closed my eyes feeling guilty of what I had done. I watched as she turned her back on me and walked to get her bag. We've been practising for weeks and my debut showcase was move to another date once again. It was one of my concern why I can't focus for today and the last of my concern was the phone calls I received almost everyday. A reminder of my past that trying to get back in my present. My family.

My family and I were really not in bad terms but not until I learnt what they trying to do with my future. They plan to set me in a fix marriage for the merging of two companies. They were trying to snatch away my freedom to choose who I wanted to be with and I wasn't fine with that. So with heavy heart and closed eye, I ran away from home and flew away from New Zealand to South Korea. I cut all sorts of connection with them and changed my name. Since then, I leaved alone while chasing my dreams for more than three years already with them out of the picture. I was happy and contented, but not until last week.

After we gone back from the meeting, I suddenly receive a text messages from a very familiar number asking how I've been. It was my father's personal number. He was sending me a message every hour asking the same question and the next day, the text turned to calls. He wouldn't give up calling me everyday. I didn't know how he got my number and how he knew my whereabouts. He was slowly giving a fright to me and I feared that, one day he'll just dragged me home and force me to marry one of his business partner son.


My manager threw a side glance at me while driving. She seemed on pins and needles and wanted to asked me but was respecting my silence.

"You can asked me If you want to ask something." I said clutching the vibrating cellphone in my hand.

My manager cleared her throat and glanced at me again. The car began to slow down as she pulled over the car.

"Is there something bothering you?" She asked. He had those curious gaze on her eyes as she stared at me. "I noticed you seem off. You're not usually like this and it bothers me too. " She commented while her eyes darted to the device on my hand.

I automatically retracted my hand and was about to get the device out of her sight, but her hand grabbed mine and stopped me frome doing. Her other hand took the device from me.

"W-what are you doing?" I asked confused why she get my cellphone. Her strong hand pinned mine on top of my lap.

"This keep on getting my attention throughout the ride and It annoys me." She said showing the still vibrating device in front of me."And my mind were telling me that this is the source of your discomforts."

My eyes widened in horror when her finger touched the green button and answered the call. My hand instinctively went to grab the phone away from her. But her reflex was fast enough to keep herself an arm lenght away from me.

JENLISA: My Manager [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now