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The sounds of snoring woke me up my warm and peaceful sleep. I slowly opened my eyes and saw my managers face so close to me, her arms wounded around my waist. A smile automatically crept up my lips realising how happy I was to finally woke up in the morning and the first thing I would see was her beautiful and innocent look.

"Looks like you aren't bipolar at times." I mumbled and pinched her nose a little. My manager stirred and peeked her eye open to only see me smiling at her. She smiled shyly in return and buried her head more in the crook of my neck.

"You look so innocent in your sleep." I said again earning a groaned from her. "Why? don't you want to hear compliment early in the morning? Do you prefer me saying your morning breaths stink?"

My manager mumbled something I didn't understand and lifted her head up to look at me. Her eyes still half close trying to adjust to the brightness of the room. Then her words from last night suddenly echoed inside my head making my smile even wider.

"Is is too much If I wish to sleep beside you and wake up every morning with you for the rest of our life?"

"Why you smiling?" She asked. "Is there morning star in my eyes? Did I salivate during my sleep, I didn't right?"

"Nothing. Silly." I chuckled and peck the tip of her nose. "I'm just happy."

"Happy enough to finally allow me to share a bed with you always?" She said testing her luck.

"Nah." I snorted and sat up. My manager copied what I did and wrapped her arms around me from the back, back hugging me. Her chin rested on top of my shoulder, her lips pouted. "This is just one time, because I was so exhausted last night..." I saw her sulked like she wasn't fond of what I said and it made me smile once again. I caress her face and made her look at me. "But maybe who knows, I might let you sleep again beside me... if you behave. So c'mon give me my morning kiss."

"I thought my breath stinks?" She teased earning a stoic expression from me.
My manager raised her eyebrows at me but nevertheless gave me a kiss.

"Morning sunshine.." She mumbled after a short kiss. I said the same and met her lips for the second time around. Her hands held my face gently as she tried to deepen the kiss. Our lips lingered for a good moment before she decided to pull away and smiled sweetly at me.

"Just a nice way to start a better day." She commented grinning and pulled me up the bed.

"Uhuh. Nice way..." I grinned too and followed her pull.


"To be honest, I'm afraid meeting your mother." I admitted as we both get ready to go to the garden where her mom chose to have breakfast.

"My mother is the kindest woman you'll ever meet in the world babe and once she talks to you, you'll wish to never stop exchanging words with her." She proudly said. "You don't need to worry okay and besides, I am with you."

I nodded but still somehow felt nervous. I looked at myself and suddenly felt insecure at the way I dress. It was just a simple white mid-thigh summer dress. My manager suggested me to wear a light colored fabric because the weather was a bit hot and I followed.

"Does my dress look good? What if your mom doesn't like it?" I asked worriedly.

"You're perfect babe and I'm sure she'll love you." She leaned down and stole a kiss from my lips. She stopped in front of me and held my face with her both hands as she stared fondly at me. "You know what? You're so perfect that you can make anyone fall for you even without doing anything, everyone who set eyes upon you will surely look at you forever and willingly be your slave or what ever. Do you know the effect of your beauty has on me? It's like a full moon to a horse,a burning fire to a moth. Your beauty bewitched me, poison me. I'm aware about it, yet I still wish to never get well again and remain under your spell forever. You are so perfect to the point, I becoming afraid that someone might snatch you away from me."

JENLISA: My Manager [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now