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My career started to bloom, I been having a lot of gigs and been invited to a TV shows from left to right. It was exhausting and enjoying at the same time. Artist, comedian, actors and actresses I had met always give me an advice and tips on how to act in front of the camera. They were all so supporting and kind.

My schedule these pass few months kept me busy, I barely have enough time for myself. Most of the time I was on set recording or busy doing a fan-signing event. I was starting to understand what was my manager had said to me the last time we ate together. She was right, when she said I wouldn't have time for myself and would have limitation when I become known to the society. It was the only downside of being an idol for me. I suddenly missed going out and do some shopping or just enjoy walking around without worrying about my safety.

"We're here." Seungri oppa said glancing at me through the rear mirror after stopping the car at the basement. He was currently my temporary manager for now that Lalisa had gone to somewhere I didn't know.

"Thank you for driving me Oppa." I said yawning. I picked up my handbag and some paper bags with gift the fans gave me before I climb down the van.

At time like this, my manager was always opening the car door for me and would help me carried my bags or anything she saw in my hand. I suddenly missed her and her camero panther too. She was already gone for three days and I haven't even receive a single message from her. I tried texting her once but she didn't even bother to open it. Until now even after days, she hadn't seen it.

"When will my manager would come back oppa?" I asked before he drive away. I was dying on curiosity about her whereabouts and when she will come back.

"What do you mean? I'm your manager now." He said frowning at me.

"Not a good joke." I said staring blankly at him.

Seungri shook his head and chuckled at me. "You haven't seen the article I see."

"What article?" I asked in confusion.

"Just browse the Internet and you'll see it for yourself. I'm going now. Tomorrow don't forget, you have a photoshoot schedule with Ms.Rosé" He said and climb the driver sit.

I hurriedly put all the paper bags on the floor after I openned the front door and just like what Seungri told me, I opened my phone and browse the Internet. The apartment still empty. My manager still not home

My eyes widened in surprise when I saw the face of my manager being the headline on one of the famous tabloid. She wasn't alone though. She was with Kim Jisoo, one of the famous actress in the country. My mouth gasped in more astonishment after clicking the article and saw photos of them together. Thats explained my manager disappearance.

"....Famous actress Kim Jisoo was caught having a date with her once bestfriend ㅡand now rumored girlfriend(?) Lalisa Manoban..."

There was a photo of them in han river, restaurant and so on. But there was one photo that caught my attention and broke my heart. It was my manager, she was caught entering Jisoo's apartment. I remember her clothing well, it was after the time when we first met Jisoo on a restaurant.

It hit me.

She lied to me, when she told me she doesn't had a wink of sleep because of thinking about me.

A tear fell down my eyes."Yah Jennie why are you crying?" I asked myself, chuckling while wiping the tears away. My tears didn't stop from falling and soon I found myself sobbing hard because of her. I feel betrayed.

"How dare you asking me to be your girlfriend while dating Kim Jisoo?"I asked again while sobbing."You're such a fool Jennie-a. Lisa will never be yours." I said again after realizing my stupidity. Maybe she didn't belong to Rosé but she 'is' Kim Jisoo's.

JENLISA: My Manager [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now