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"O-ppa? Mino oppa?" I asked once again to make sure I wasn't mistaken.

"Uhuh." He nodded straightening his posture still with a wide grin on her lips.

"OH MY GOD! IT'S REALLY YOU!" I squealed and threw my arms around him in excitement. Mino oppa did the same and we both jump in excitement. Excitement to see each other once again after years of zero communication.

"Yeah! It's me!" He answered excitedly and cupped my both cheeks. He looked closely to me as he checked both side of my face.

"Yah!" I chuckled swatting his hand. "What are you doing?"

"Just making sure you are really my baby Jane." He said putting a blush on my cheeks. "You look so different from the last time I saw. You look so matured now."

"Yah! are you saying I look old?" I argued back while playfully pushing him.

Mino oppa laughed. "You look so matured now. What I m trying to say is, You become more prettier. You're so beautiful Jane that I'm not sure anymore if you are still my little baby jane back then. Or should I say Jennie?"

"Call me what ever you want oppa. I'm still your lil' sis. Nothing change." I said and was about to hug him again, but Ms. Park showed up.

"Excuse me, but Ms. Kim need to get back to her apartment now. I'm sorry to stop your meetings." She said politely and bowed to Mino oppa.

"O its okay, we're just talking anyway." He said smiling to Ms. Park and looked back to me. "Give me your number so I could give you a call." He said and fished out her phone.

"Yeah, right."

Mino oppa and I exchanged numbers and bid goodbye. As soon as I stepped inside the van, I got his first message saying 'Your manager is s cold. I got chills in ny bone. Anyway I'll pick you up later.' I chuckled reading the text. I knew he wanted to catch up with me, but doesn't want to go against Ms. Park.

'Ms. Park is nice and She's not my manager.' I typed and hit the send.
"Just wait til you meet my real manager." I chuckled Imagining him getting wimp in front of my manager.

'and yes pick me up at 9, I knew a good place.' I sent again.

'K. its a date.' came his reply. Then another came again asking my address.

I sighed in contentment and smile in happiness after seeing my Childhood friend again. Mino oppa was few years older than me and always at my side protecting me. He was my knight in shinning armor and I was his spoiled damsel baby in distress . I remembered my younger self admiring him and crushing on him. He was every girls dream guy in the campus but never dated anyone. At first he wouldn't tell me why, but I kept on bugging him ti he told me his reason. After finding a lot of encouragement Mino oppa admitted to me that he already got his eye to someone, that he was liking someone in the same gender as him. At first, I was disappointed because I was really looking up to him and wishing we could be together oneday, but eventually the disappointment replace by being proud to him and he proud at me. I soon came to realized that we shared the same passion. We're both gays and since then we become more closer to each other.


"Where did you get this car oppa?" I asked buckling the seat belt.

"I rent this car yesterday after I arrive. I knew I need this because you're a celebrity." He answered cheekly and looked at me to make sure it was safe to go. "Tell me about this place e?"

"Ah right. It's a fifteen minutes drive from here. I'll set the gps." I said and type the name of the place to show the way. "Yup, thats it."

"Are you sure it was safe to go there?" He asked again.

JENLISA: My Manager [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now