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D-day. This was it, the very most awaiting day of my life. The day I was going to get to introduce to the people. The start of my career.

I was so nervous since last night, thinking about my debut. It was nerve-wracking and mind boggling. I've been thinking a lot of 'what if's'. What if no one attended my showcase? What if the music plopped?. And more question keep popping up every time I tried to close my eyes. If it weren't for my manager reassurance, I wouldn't even get a decent sleep. It was all thanks to her. And speaking with the devil, I hadn't seen her after we got her to the studio. She told me she was just going to talk to someone, but she didn't elaborate who. More than twenty minutes had pass and she was still not showing up.

"Where are you now?" I mumbled scrolling through my phone searching her number.

I gave it a call but she wasn't picking. I began to get anxious. My anxiety was starting to kick in, thinking about her and her whereabouts. I needed her right now. We only have 30 minutes left before the showcase begin, and still she wasn't showing up.

"Have you seen my manager? Lalisa Manoban?" I asked one of the stuff I saw back stage.

"The tall woman in flannel shirt?" He asked. I nodded eagerly to him in confirmation." I saw her walk to the back door talking to her phone. She seemed in hurry."

"Is that so?"He nodded." Thank you. I'll go check on her."

I hurriedly make my way to the said back door to see her while still trying to contact her. A stuff would greet me everytime I came across them. There were few familiar faces I saw as I near the back. Some of them were the people back from my trainee days. They come to support me too and I was more than grateful to them.

A familiar man in a black and neat tuxedo walked in from the back door I was suppose to go. My eyes widened seeing the same Man I saw growing up. My Father.

I instinctively made a detour and hid from his sight before he saw me. I pressed my back on the corner hiding from him. My heart pounded in my chest hearing the sound of his footstep getting closer and closer. I closed my eyes praying he wouldn't notice me.

The footstep stopped.

My body went stiff when it began to walk again ever so slowly and stopped just right beside me. My heart was beating wild against my ribcage. He saw me. It was like an ice cold water had been poured over me.

"What are you doing here?"

I opened my eyes in surprise and relief after I heard the voice of my manager. I sighed of relief escape my lips. I rest my hand on her shoulder while I catch my breath.

"What's wrong? What happen to you? Why you look like you've seen a ghost?" She asked worriedly.

"Nothing." I said nuzzling my head over her. My heart still beating wildly against my chest. I was scared I thought he saw me.

"Can I not do the show tonight?" I asked looking up at her asking for the impossible.

"H-huh?" She asked baffled."What are you talking about. You know we can't do that. Everything is set and your fans is already waiting for you. We cant..."

"Please..." I pleaded clutching the side of her flannel shirts. Tears almost welled in my eyes as I beg her.

"This is no good." She mumbled starting to panic over me. Her hand went to cup my head and made me look in her eyes. She looked at me as of she was searching something in my eyes."Tell me what's going on right now. Why do you suddenly want to cancel the event. Tell me." She demanded.

"I don't want to do it anymore..." I said almost above whisper. It finally hit me, the reality. Once I got into the public my father can easily trace me and he did. He was here right now. I was afraid he would take me and force me to marry someone.

JENLISA: My Manager [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now