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The ride back to the city was consist of silence and stolen glances, glances from my manager. But her hands was possessively holding mine while the other expertly holding the wheel. Everytime she need to shift gear, we would do it together and she'll rest our joined hand on her lap after. She seemed to have a lot of question to ask and I could feel she was deliberating.

After a long hours of silent driving, we finally got back to our building. My manager expertly park the car and went out first to open the door for me like she always did, but without speaking. I could only muttered a small 'thanks' and a nod appreciating her gesture as I still couldn't look her in the eyes, while she followed behind. Even inside the elevator we did not talk.

I went straight to my room and had a quick change to my PJ's, and was about to lie on my bed when I heard my manager open the door getting my attention and stopping from resting my body.

"Hey." She called looking at me as she walk towards me.

"o hey.." I answered back shortly, not knowing how to response to her.

"Can weㅡ"

"ㅡAre you going to use your room?" I cut off not wanting to have a talk with her. I was afraid to cry again and get jealous of nothing, and make a fool out of myself. I still feel guilty for disappearing without telling her, for making her so worried and lastly, the jealousy I felt after seeing her with Rosé going inside the room still lingered in my brain.

"Jennie.." She called gently again and reach my hand. Her thumb rubbing the back of my hand as she stared solemnly at me. "Tell me what's wrong. Did I have to do about the way you behave before? Did I do something wrong?"

"Not everything is about you Lisa-a." I said weakly and regretted it right away. I didn't mean to spite on her but the it turned out a bit cold and harsh to her. I knew for a fact that she got stun from the way she staggered and the way she loosened her hold on me. I didn't failed to notice the hurt in her eyes, but she was quick enough to mask what she truly felt.

"Oh yeah. Sorry for being conceited. I grew up that way." She chuckled withdrawing my hand and scratched the back of her head. I was shocked to hear myself saying the words too and I wanted to take it back, but I couldn't find my voice to speak anymore. "You must be tired. I'll head out now... just call me if you still need anything."

I was still lost for words as she stared at me for a second and slowly turn her back at me to leave the room. My hand tried to reach her but it was in vain. I felt a pang in my chest as I watched her disappear behind the door. It was like watching your favorite drama were the leading man finally gave up and leave the the girl he once poured her heart out. It saddened me and just like in drama I couldn't do anything but watched and feel the pain.

The next day, I woke up with no trace of my manager inside the room. It seemed like she did not sleep in the room either. Her sleeping bag still on the same place as I saw it yesterday and completely untouched. Creeping out the room, I scanned the living room and saw a few cans of beer over the table. It was messy, but still no sight of my manager.

"It's my fault." I mumbled through the empty room as I began to clean her mess. "I shouldn't have told her that. I'm so stupid." I said regretting what I told her last night. "Now I hurt her and probably would leave me soon. Just why can't you control your jealousy Jennie!?" I groaned hitting my head at my own stupidity.

Fear of losing her started to crept in my mind once again and made me sit while thinking about her.

"Just where are you right now?... Please don't be with Rosé or Jisoo. It would hurt me." I pleaded clasping my hands over my chest. "I should apologize to her." I said making up my mind and was about to stand up and get my phone, but the sound of the doorbell stop me.

JENLISA: My Manager [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now