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The sounds of the camera clicking took my attention away from the enormous and magnificent view of the reclining Buddha in front of me. I thought someone or a paparazzi caught me and just snap a picture of me. I was suddenly afraid that my relationship with my manager would be revealed which made me snap my head to the direction of the sound abruptly only to be greeted with my own manager behind her cam. A smile made up my lips and I posed for the camera.

My manager gave me a thumps up after a few shots and walk closer to me to show me the picture she took.

"I thought you don't find me appealing enough to take pictures." I blurted suddenly spilling my inner thought.

To be honest, since her mother mention that Lisa had a passion for photography, I began to wonder why she hadn't even take a picture of me, not even once after all the times of being together and that made my insecurities rise to the top.

"What are you talking about?" Lisa looked confused for a moment. After studying me, Lisa released an amuse chuckles and slowly rest both her arms on my waist and face me. "You know babe, you are the most beautiful woman I ever met in my entire existence and definitely worth every shot I take. Every angle of you fits to perfection."

"Off course." I nodded and turned my attention to the Buddha again with overly doubtful thoughts.

"Babe.." Lisa called softly in my ears. I tried so hard to ignore it and to look upset, but the way her voice sounded in my ears was way too comforting and soothing that I had no other option but to gave in. "Are you alright? Did I do something that upset you?"

I looked at her and shook my head no. But I still couldn't shrugged the thoughts of her thinking less about me. That I wasn't special enough to her to be her muse like the one she just saw in New Zealand. It was just a photo, yes and it only happened in the past before I came to her life, but I still didn't know exactly what had gotten into me why I was restless when I saw it. Then there, after I heard her mother speech and saw the actual photo inside her room, how she really treasure it, I felt threatened that someday, someone could take her away from me and that girl, whoever she was if she decided to come to My manager's life. I knew for a fact that it would be the end of us, that she could take my manager away from me in an instant.

I guess I was just afraid to lose you.

"I'm good." I lied not meeting her eyes and put up a fake smile while wiping the non-existing sweats on my head. "Maybe it just the weather, it's quite hot here in Bangkok and I didn't gotten to the weather yet."

She chuckled.

"You'll get better." She said biting my lies and before she could say another words, I pulled her hand and ask her to began her tour again.

My manager acted as my personal tour guide and explained to me about everything. She toured me around Bangkok and brought me to some historic place that I never heard of. Being a foreigner to her country, I was amused to know about their history and to learn about their King. After the Reclining Buddha, Lisa brought me to Wat Pho harbours where tons of fascinating collection of murals were in pull display. It was lovely and she made sure to take a lot of picture of me and us to remember which somehow made me happy and contented.

"Lets use my cellphone this time." I said tapping the camera Icon and extend my arms to fit our faces on the screen.

"Let me do it." She said and took the device on me, and used her long arms to take ours picture together.

"Smile baby." She said again as she flashed her biggest smile on the screen but instead of smiling, I pecked her cheek at the same time she capture it.

JENLISA: My Manager [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now