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I have trouble getting to sleeps after what happened to my manager and I that night. Everytime I will close my eyes, her plump rose lips would appeared in my mind and would ruined my sleep. Yet the devil herself was already had her eyes close, sleeping peacefully like nothing happen.

The day after I got released to the hospital. A few reporters were waiting outside taking their chances to captured a photo of me or maybe my manager. They came to realized that My manager was Jisoo'd rumored girlfriend and they were having a feist over it. My manager was so upset she couldn't make herself be seen out together with me. She was afraid she would drag my name in to the mess. In the end, she called someone again from the company to pick me up while she rode her own car.

"What are we going to do?" I asked my manager over the phone after she gave me a call. I was so sad she wasn't on my side like she promise me.

"I don't know..." She said with a heavy sighed. "...I don't know yet.. They're tailing me. I couldn't go back to the apartment with them still following me."

"Just don't go and see her." I said, suddenly blurting what was my worries. Just the thought of her meeting Jisoo made me feel anxious and threaten all of a sudden. It sadden me.

"I won't... I'll stay in the company we can meet there if you're not tired yet." She said.

"I'll go straight to the company then." I said without thinking and to make sure she wasn't meeting Jisoo or Rosé. I didn't know being in love make you feel so paranoid and scared. I was scared I will lose her. Though there was no label to our relation, I still hold onto her words and believed she's mine.

The call ended short with me saying goodbye. She was still driving and I don't want anything to happen to her. Ms. Park, the woman she called from the company drive me to ME entertainment building like what I instructed her. She wasn't talkative and fussy like other, she would just follow whatever I said and when I ask her why, She just answer me so simple. She doesn't want to get fired.

Twenty minutes had pass since we came to the building and still no sight of my manager. I was beginning to think that something happen to her and her unresponsive behavior wasn't helping me either.

"Yah where are you now?" I mumbled gnawing my nails as I stared at my cellphone screen. I was trying to call her but the call failed to connect again. I pace around while I tried to call again, but I couldn't contact the device anymore.

My head snapped to the entrance of conference room when I heard it open. My eyes lit. "What took you so long?" I asked in both excitement and worries walking to her.

"I needed to talked to the old man first. Sorry I made you wait." She said pulling me in a hug. I hugged her back possessively. My manager eventually pulled back and pulled a chair for me asking me to sit down and relax.

My manager and I stayed inside the conference room together. She was sitting beside me. Her hand rested over the backrest of the swirling chair I was sitting in, while her eyes focused on me. It was so silent, but not the awkward type. It was more like having peaceful comfort with each other.

"Why do you need to talk to Director M? "I asked to start up a conversation and to feed my curiosity as well.

Her chair swiveled and slid as she scooted closer. "I told him to deny the rumor." She answered taking my hand on her lap.

"And what did he say?"

"Well.." She trailed of seeming uncomfortable to talk about it. Her eyes darted down to our hands. ".. he hadn't come to a decision yet... I think he was not interested though." She said finally daring to look at me. But her eyes were telling me that there was more to it that she was afraid to tell me.

JENLISA: My Manager [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now