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The supposed to be fun and happy meetings turned a bit gloomy for us hence we still continue to get our dinner. Mino oppa drive me back home and bid goodbye. He kept on apologizing to me and blamed himself for what happen hours ago. But I would just laugh him off and said I had fault too. It was true, and I agreed to ride his trip so I had a share of fault too. Still the latter was guilty and felt sorry for me after realizing our mistake.

I sighed bearing the thoughts of my manager together with Jisoo. The two probably went back to Jisoo's flat and spent the night together again while I would sleep alone to ours, feeling cold and hollow.

I stared at the close door and found myself getting sentimental as I remember how My manager would open up the door for me and would cracked a joke to put a smile on my face, now she was not, I couldn't see myself smiling sincerely again.

For sure my manager was mad as I was, but It seemed like I was more affected in our dire situation, I was hurt, sad and felt more lonely without her. It was frustrating to think she chose to be with Jisoo than with me who she had claim she loved.

The dim living room screamed the emptiness of the flat as I unlock and open the door. It made my shoulder slumped in sadness as I walk towards my room.

The room was a bit dark too and Only the brightness of the moon lit the room.

My heart started to pound again my chest in fear when I Saw a silhouette sitting in the middle of the bed. I wanted to take flight but my body won't cooperate. My eyes went wide starring at the unmoving silhouette.

"Who are you?" I stammered while trying to act tough. I remembered for a while that the maximum of this building was tight so whoever the person sitting in my bed was no bad guy.

The person did not speak, but I could feel it was looking at me. The thought of my manager came to my mind and with brave heart I reached for the switch and turned the lights on.

I came face to face with the woman who occupied my mind. It scared me and surprised me at the same time to see her looking livid at me as if she waited for too long, living me speechless for a moment.

"Who is he?" She asked in her deep and cold voice making the hair on my arms stood in fear.

"W-why? a-re ... you he-here?" I asked. My manager repeated the question again in a low but heavy whisper and lost it after hearing nothing from me.

"I ASK YOU WHO IS HE!?" She yelled scaring the hell out of me. Making me flinched and took a step back. My manager stood up and glared at me as she took a step forward, and stop just right
front of me. "Why are you with him and WHY DID HE CALLS YOU GIRLFRIEND?!" She asked again with anger and shook my shoulder in rage. She was hurting me.

"Yah! You're hurting me!" I yelled back swatting her hand off me and stood my ground. I couldn't just let her boss me around and shout at me like I was just her employee or a robot she would yell at whenever she wanted. "You're asking as if you did not call her your girlfriend too! As if I was the one who's at fault! Do you think it didn't hurt me to know you two slept together? to know that you were with her? It hurt me too!" I cried pushing her everytime I spoke. The tears I tried to hold back finally fell as I glared at her. "And to actually see you two together on a date is killing me! You're the worst person I ever met in my intire life! You hurt me more than my parents did!! I hate you!"

"For your information it wasn't a date." She clarified in low voice. Her head turned the other way and her features soften after seeing me in tears.

"And now you're blatantly lying in my face? How dare you!" I spat.

"I'm not lying!" She reasoned and stared at me as if I grew another head. "Jisoo is sick and whenever she's sick, she only wants her parent or me to tend to her. Her parent is out of town and I couldn't just let her be stuck on her bed dying in sickness!"

JENLISA: My Manager [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now