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"You seem so happy." Mino oppa commented as we had our dinner again. "Tell me what happened last night. Did she scold you?"

"If she did, I won't even be here having a dinner with you... And smiling right now." I said grinning at him.

Oppa gave me a suspicious look and then raised her brow at me.

"Did you have sex last night?" She asked casually making me spat the food inside my mouth and coughed.

"What the hell!" I hissed glaring at him and looked around us to see if someone heard him. "That absurd oppa! You couln't just ask me that so vulgarly!"

"What is so vulgar about it? It's common for a couple to have sex after they fight. Don't tell me...." He paused and leaned close. His index finger wagged at me, motioning me to do the same. "...She didn't ask for it?"

"Yah!" I snarled, hitting his dirty head. "Is sex all you can think about, huh? My manager is different from you. Not because you are doing it doesn't mean she does too. She's gentle..."I gagged mentally and gulped as the word slipped out my mouth. Oppa saw it and grinned amusingly at me as he waited for me to finish. "... c-caring.. And r-respect me!" I added as I recalled what happen that night.

As the night went deeper, her lips goes deep as well. Lisa's kisses were playing in between feverish and gentle that I never knew I would crave for more. The more she kiss me, the more I wanted to concede myself to her. It was great. I didn't know having her completely in my arms would give me the satisfaction I never had before, the reassurance that she was mine and mine alone. I loved her. Now that we were officially together, I would do anything to keep her to my side until forever.

Lisa's luscious lips were busy kissing mine with her eyes closed, her hands on my side rubbing my waist and sending chills in my bone. Her lips worked its way down to my delicate neck as she mumbled 'you're so beautiful' to me. My hands weaved on her hair as my body arched in every kisses she plant to my skin.

"I love you so much, Kim Jennie." She spoke with eyes full of sincerity as she stared at me.

"I love you too, Lalisa Manoban." I answered mirroring her emotions. My eyes inevitably looked down to her soft, plump, luscious and inviting lips. I couldn't help but to bit my lips in the immense feeling I was having and the desire to taste those lips again. Having the urge to connect our lips once again, I began to slowly pulled her head down and captured her lips into a passionate way, feeling and leaving in the moment.

Her right hand moved down from my waist to my thigh. I felt the end of my hair stood up as her palm connected to my skin and ran softly over my bare thighs, whilst her other hand slowly went up and stopped right above my clothed mound.

Our lips disconnected as she tried to prop her head up and looked at me. Her eyes changed from full of love to lustful eyes. Both of us were panting hard as we catch our breath.

"I want you Jenni-a.." She said in a low and raspy voice as her hand began to rub my thigh sensually, messing with my mind, with my ability to think straight. "Please...." She said again, running her hand up to my ass and began to give a little squeezed.

My mind shutdonw and lost all its logic to reason when her other hand suddenly moved and squeezed my right mound.

"Ahhhmmmmmpp.." I yelped and moaned after her lips reconnected again not in my lips, but to my delicate neck and up to my jaw, Sucking, nibbling as she searched for my sweet spot. My body squirmed under her when she succeed on finding it. I could feel her lips form a smile upon seeing my reaction. Her lips began to nibble and play on the same spot as her hand began to lifted my dress up exposing my already expose thighs and lifting it to rest on her hips. Her lower half began to grind slowly sending me to another set of pleasure.

JENLISA: My Manager [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now