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A sounds of faint music and scraping on the floor from somewhere interrupted and woke me up my slumber. I sat up, stretched my limbs and stifled a yawn as I tried to listen where it was coming from.

"What does she doing early in the morning?" I mumbled and looked at the digital clock on the bedside table, it showed six-thirthy in the morning.

Dragging my feet off the room and walking towards the direction of the music, I found myself heading to my manager walk-in closet and saw her sorting her stuffs while humming to the music. Empty boxes were place on the floor.

"What are you doing?" I asked rubbing my eyes.

My manager jumped and turned around to finally notice me. Her eyes widen and lit up seeing me.

"Hey." She said softly and put down the stuffs on her hand to come to me. She dusted her hands on her shorts before she open her arms to welcome me. "Did I wake you up?"

"Kinda," I pouted and snaked my arms around her still somewhat half asleep. My manager did the same. "What are you doing? "

"Oh this?" She gesture to her back. "I'm starting to move my stuff out of here to create more space for you."

I frowned at her. Clearly, there was more space and I thought she was just exaggerating things up. Even with hundreds of clothes added and other accessories it would still fit in inside her spacious walk-in closet.

"I don't see why we need more space." I said and then walked inside the messy room to clean up her mess. I stooped down and picked the baby blue hoddie she once lend me. It was my favorite. "You're just tiring yourself. Stop it for instance."

She chuckled. "Imma donate that one to some charity." She said and took the hoddie from my hand.

"But, Its my favorite hoddie of yours!" I protested and snatched the hoddie back again from her. There was no way I would give the first hoddie she lend me to someone else. "You can donate anything, but not this hoddie okay? Its my favorite."

"Oh, right." She said and followed behind me. "Then how about this?" She asked holding the plain black Tee she again once lend me.

"No." I said sternly. My manager pointed at some clothes too and would chuckled everytime I would say no. It repeated for a long ran til she found nothing to donate.

"You're a bit funny 'e." She grinned as we stood inside her room, facing each other. "You said I can give anything but every time I chose one, you'll refuse to give it."

"Because you intentionally choosing something I wore before." I huffed. "You know I love wearing your clothes and still you want to donate it. It' hurts me."

"I'm just messing with you." She chuckled again and slowly lead me out of the room. "Anyway good morning to you beautiful."She said and pecked my lips.

"Good morning to you too." I beamed. "Shall we grab breakfast outside since its still early and only few people will be outside."

"Tempting, but no." She answered and smiled apologetically at me, making me purse my lips out in dejection. " How about I cook breakfast while you watch or continue your sleep?"

Her eyes darted to mine and upon seeing my solemn look, my manager expression showed some panic.

"W-why are you sad?" She asked stepping in front of me and looked close to my face. "Did I said something that upset you?"

I shook my head.

"Then why do you look so down? dejected ?"

"I just want to go out." I confessed slumping my shoulder. I knew it was hopeless. I was hopeless. "I miss walking down the pavement and going to a convenience store to buy snack or anything on the racks."

JENLISA: My Manager [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now