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My eyes shut open-wide and my mouth opened and closed like a fish remembering the name.

"She's the stalker!" I said in my head in utter shocked. My very own supposedly stalker turned out to be my manager. I couldn't believe myself I mistook her as a stalker. But it wasn't my fault. She didn't tell me first before she acted all butthurt talking how I hurt her pride.

"You blocked my number." She said. Her eyes stared directly to mine.

"I didn't know you back then." I said in complete defense. I still couldn't believe that she was my manager. As much as I recall her message, she said that she was only twenty two, and having a much younger manager did not make sense to me.

"Lied. I'm sure that old man discussed it during the meeting." She said squinting her eyes and coming closer at me. She put her arm around my shoulder and huffed. "Anyway, I'm tired. Can we go now? That old man still have a lot to say to me." She said again turning to Seungri.

My manager started to walked leaving her stuffed behind and dragging me along. She did not look back and left Seungri in charged of her stuff while I walked beside her. Her arms still on my shoulder as if we were closed.

"Did you ride this van coming here?" She asked pointing at the van in front of us. Her face seemed not please at the sight and I didn't know the reason why. "I never rode this before. Since I was little I always have passion to sports car. Not this." She stated smugly.

I mentally rolled my eyes while smiling awkwardly at her. I had no idea what I was suppose to say to her. My manager was definitely one of a kind. I never saw a manager being so picky and demanding before. She was the only one.

"Are you usually not much of a talker?" She asked. My head snapped to her.

"H-huh?.... yaeh."

She nodded slowly still eyeing me and looked around.

"Seungri." She called when she spot him loading her stuff in the van. The latter stopped what he was doing and looked at her. "Go ahead firsr without me and bring Ms. Cat woman with you." She instructed throwing a wink at me.

"B-but that's not what your faㅡ"

"ㅡSeungri." She called again, coldly, not letting him finish what he was suppose to say. She looked at Seungri as if trying to convey something before she open her mouth and speak. "Just do as I say. Okay?"

Seungri nodded obediently like a kid. I was surprise to see this different kind of him. Far from his usual bossy and smug personality. He was completely shun by my manager and I could clearly see that he was somewhat frightened.

"Just a moment." I said grabbing my manager wrist when she turned around was about to walk away.

"O wow!" She beamed smugly at me. "Now you decided to talk huh."

My blood boiled at the tone of her voice. It was full of sarcasm. She was definitely mocking me and I couldn't see the reason why she needed to. I counted one to five in my head to calm myself before I spoke to her to avoid getting into a verbal fit with her. I seemed to be on her wrong side already and getting her mad wasn't a good Idea.

"Aren't you suppose to come with me because you're my manager, right?" I asked carefully.

"Hmmm. You right." She said pressing her lips together. Asa! I cheered that finally I said something right. "But I'm going to meet a friend now, if you want you can come with me instead.... on second thought. Just... go with Seungri." She finished after thinking for a second.

"Buㅡ" I was suppose to say something but she rudely cut me off.

"ㅡyou don't have schedule yet until next week. So please don't bother me." She said flatly and walked away. Not even letting me have a chance to talk.

JENLISA: My Manager [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now