Chapter 1

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Mal! Mal! Mal! Mal a boy whispered.
I need your help, Help me please a boy said.
Mal, wakeup! said evie. Huh, what's going on mal said as she sits up on her bed. School starts in 15 minutes Evie exclaimed. what no no no this can't be happening! how did this happen and how come I didn't wake up on time I always do? Mal, its ok you still have 15 minutes left. You get ready and I'll run down to grab some breakfast for you. Thanks, Evie. Evie left and mal was getting ready for school but she still wonders about what the dream was. She thought she heard someone from a long time ago. Mal didn't think it was possible. Evie was getting some breakfast for Mal when a person walks up behind her. Hi, Evie, Ben said. Hi, Ben, Evie said how's your day been going so far? good, um Evie have you seen Mal today I can't find her? yeah, she just woke up, I was just about to bring her some breakfasts. She woke up late. bye, Ben. bye, Evie! Evie was on her way upstairs to her dorm with some breakfasts. Evie opened the door to her room when she saw Mal on the floor. Evie was running to her side. Mal wakeup Evie sounded worried! come on wake up. Evie didn't know what to do so she thought of ben as she thought that he might know what to do. Evie picked up her phone to call Ben. Hello, Ben! hello Evie, what's wrong? did you need something? ben asked Evie. um, somethings wrong and I need your help and hurry! Evie said. Ben made his way to Evie's and Mal's room, ben made it to Evie's and Mal's room. Ben opened the door and he saw Mal on the floor, he rushed to Mal's side. He asks evie, what happened to Mal. I don't know I came into the room and saw her on the floor and not waking up.
There was a strange thing happened to Mal.
Mals dream
Hello, Mal said while she wonder what is this place and then there was a voice saying Mal, Mal, Mal, Mal and it was getting quieter and quieter. Mal heard that voice anywhere she realizes that voice was from her dream, where are you? show yourself to me Mal said. the voice said something but Mal couldn't hear that voice all she could hear is the voice said. help with what? Mal said but it the voice was gone and all she could hear is Evie talking to someone. what should we do? Evie said to Ben. I don't know what to do maybe put her on the bed? ben said. Evie and Ben put Mal on Mal's bed. Mal opened her eyes and saw Evie and Ben looking worried. Huh, what happened as she rubbed her eyes. Mal, Evie, and Ben said at the same time. Mal looked at the clock and saw it was 9:30. we're late to first-period Mal said and when she got up and started to walk but she fell to the ground. Ow, that hurt mal said as Evie and Ben help Mal up. What happen she ask them? Mal, you fell on the ground and you couldn't wake up when I walked in you were on the ground and when I tried to wake you up. Mal, what do you remember? Evie asked. well, all I remember was that you left and I heard a voice saying something to me and then I fell and I was at some place that I've never seen before. wait what, you heard a voice talking to you? Ben asked looking worried. yeah, anyways I have to get to class I'm already late to first period. Mal, you're in no hurry you have been excused from first period you need to rest. Ok, I'm feeling tired so I'm going to sleep now. Mal, Mal, Mal, you have to listen to me closely, I need you're help. I'm trap! I cant keep this up much longer you need to hurry. I wont be able to able to contact you until my magic is finished resting, You must find dad so he can help. Goodbye sis. Wait come back I can't lose you again Jason, please come back.
Ummm Ben why is she levitating and glowing, this is not good she can not control her powers. It must have gotten stronger.

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