Chapter 8

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Ben's POV

I heard voices talking but I couldn't hear what they were saying, I couldn't recognize the voice. My eyes started to flutter open. My head started to hurt. Hello? I ask but no answer came. I try it again and the person started to talk. Ben, I'm so glad you're ok, my mom said. Mom, I said and then I started to remember. Mom, where's Mal? is she here?, I ask my mom. Ben, sweeting, we didn't know what happen, the Liberian said that she found you guys on the floor unconscious. Where are the others, I ask her. The others are next store, you can go see them but come back to the castle, I'll be waiting for you and your friends so we can talk about how you guys were on the floor in the library school. Thanks, mom I said. I went to go see the others. I went in into Evie's room. Hey, Evie, I said. Hey, ben, what happened? she ask. Well I dont really know, I can't remember all of it but a few parts, my mom told me that she found us unconscious in the library, I said. Really? She ask. All that happened, she said. Yeah, hey how are you feeling? I ask. I have a headache and I cant remember anything except we were trying to find Mal other then that I can't remember. I need to visit jay and Carlos, you coming? I ask. Yeah, sure why not, Evie said. We went to go Jay's room. I knock on Jay's room now but there was no answer so I open the door and Evie waited outside while I went inside. Ben, Jay said. Where were you I have no idea where I am at? Jay, we are at the hospital because we were unconscious apparently the librarian found us and called my mom. Anyways, I have to go get Carlos, you coming? I ask. Evie is outside the door waiting for us, I said. Sure, Ben, it beats sitting in here, Jay said. Ok, let's go, I said. I open the door to see Evie waiting for us. Jay, she said while hugging him. I'm so glad you're ok, but where's Mal? she ask. Well that's what we are going to find out but first we need to make sure Carlos is alright, ok? I said. Ok, Evie and Jay

Evie's POV

I follow Ben and Jay to Carlos room to see if he's ok. We made it to Carlos room, and we went into the room to see Carlos still asleep. Carlos, I said while shaking him to wake him up. He didn't wake up at all. Carlos, get up please. Huh? What happen? Carlos ask. Well you were unconscious, well actually we were unconscious until I woke up and I went to get the others and then we came to get you, Ben said. Oh, and we have to go to my castle to meet my mom and we need to find Mal after we talk to my mom if she has seen her? Ben said. Ok, let's go, Carlos said. Ben, Jay, Carlos, and I drove to Ben's castle. We made it to Ben's castle and went inside to find Ben's mom.

Ben's POV at the castle.

mom, I yell. We're here! We went to find my mom but we couldn't find her. Mom? I called again . Let's check the library my love to be in there and read, I said. Ok, let's go, Evie said. We went to the library and saw my mom in there. Mom, I said. Hello, Ben, Jay, Carlos, and Evie, belle said. Mom, we wanted to see you to find out what happen and who we were at the hospital, I said. Well can you tell me how you were on the ground in the schools library, belle said. Well Jay and Carlos were at the library trying to find spells because someone want mal and her brother got kidnapped, so me and mal went to go find Jay and Carlos but they weren't in the dorm room so I thought they would be in the library and so we went there and we spilt up to find Jay and Carlos. I found Carlos and Jay but I made a mistake in leaving her alone, so we went to go find her. We found her in the ancient spells section. She said she found something but she didn't say all of it cause we were interrupting by a two girls. I said. What were there names were? Belle said. There names are CJ and Mal's enemy Uma, Evie said. Uma and CJ who made you guys unconscious right? Belle ask. They throw some potion but we don't know what it is but I think like you said that we were unconscious so maybe they throw a sleeping potion, Evie said. But, where is Mal? I said. My guess is Uma and CJ kidnapped her? But the question is who's working with Uma and CJ, Evie said. Cause CJ and Uma don't like to work together, cause Uma likes to be the captain and CJ also wants to be captain. so they wouldn't work together. If they are working together there would be someone else has a plan, I think, Evie said. Let's hope they don't have Mal, Ben said. Hey, mom when you found us, did you see mal on the floor? No, I saw you ok guys on the floor, Mal wasn't there, belle said. Ok, so we know that Uma and CJ took mal but where and what do they want with Mal and her brother? Carlos said. Wait, didn't Mal said that she found something in the ancient magic spells section? Jay said. Yeah, what do you mean? Ben asked. I mean, maybe we were looking in the wrong place, maybe if we see what Mal was talking about, Jay said?  Oh ok let's go and hurry we need to find mal before it's too late, I said.

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