Chapter 17

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We went to the head mistress office. I knock on the door, Fairy godmother we have a a major problem, I said. Fairy godmother opened the door and led us into the room, when I went in I saw mom and in the room. Mom? Dad? What are you guys doing? I asked. Hi, Ben, my mom said. When you told about what happened to Mal, your mother and I decided to come here to see if there's a way to break the curse, dad said. It's not possible to wake her now, I said. What do you mean? Mom asked. We were up in the tower to put Mal at since the left tower was the safest place to put her in but Maleficent came lock us in the tower and took Mal and I have no idea where Maleficent took Mal, I said. Oh honey, we will get Mal back, Mom said. Thanks mom, I said. I hate to ruin this moment but we need fairy godmother, Evie said. Oh right, I said. Fairy godmother, we came here to see if you can use your magic to help us find Mal? I said. I can't my magic isn't strong enough but I can put everyone asleep and we all will wake up when Mal wakes up but I need some help to complete the spell, fairy godmother said. But if everyone is asleep how will we find Mal? I asked. The group who will search for Mal will be awake and they will not age until Mal is awoken, fairy godmother said. What about the people won't they starve if they are asleep? I asked. Nobody will get hungry when they are sleeping, it'll be like time stop, fairy godmother said. Let's do it, I said. Ok, who will be the group who will be awake to search for Mal? Fairy godmother asked. Jay, Evie, Carlos, Jason, Lonnie, Audrey, Doug, and Jane, I said. Ok, Belle and Beast would be awake to watch over you guys and help you if you need it, fairy godmother said. Ok, I said. As fairy godmother said the spell Bibbidy Bobbidy boo, everyone fell down except for us. What should we do now? I asked. We need to search for mal to be able to wake up the whole kingdom, mom said. Ok, Evie and Audrey search in the west while Jay and Lonnie search for Mal in the east and Jason and Doug search in the north and Jane and Carlos search in the south of the kingdom and I figure out where Maleficent was at before she was trapped ok on the isle, I said. Ok, everyone said. Belle and I are heading to beauty's castle to place them in a safe place with Maleficent on the lose and everyone sleeping, dad said. Ok, dad, I said. If you need any help just call is ok honey? Mom asked. We will, I said. Good luck and I know you will bring Mal back. Mom said. Thanks mom, I said. Let's get going, I said. We all spread out to search for mal, I went to the archive where we keep a book of all the villians in this land and where they were at before they got trap in the dome.

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