chapter 2

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How do I get out of here? Jason, where are you? Mal said.
As Mal is trying to find away out of here she came across something powerful like her magic she wonder how can this thing be as powerful as her magic she wonder, she could see her friends talking and she can hear them from afar all she could hear from them is something about her magic about that's only thing she could hear but then the voices were gone. Mal heard her brother's voice, she ask her brother how to get out of here. "Mal you can get out of here" Jason said to her. "How she ask back?" Jason smile at her sister and said "it's your dream that's how I was able to contact you"
Oh so I can wake up she ask jason.
Yeah, but it's nice to hear your voice again but I have to go she's coming back.
"But when will I hear you she ask Jason sounding upset.
"I will contact you when i am safe, goodbye Mal."
"Bye Jason" Mal said. Be safe."

Wakeup Mal ben said as he began to shake her. Mal woke up and saw ben there looking happy at her and saw that she was fine. Mal he said to her as ben was hugging her. "Ben, what's going on here?" Mal said to ben.
When you were asleep, your powers was making you float while you were sleeping and we didnt know what to do. Evie thought your powers were getting stronger and making it harder for you to control. When ben said that her powers were getting stronger, she thought maybe her powers and her brother's powers were getting stronger and maybe that's why he was able to contact me for short amount of time before his voice was gone. Mal, are you ok? Ben ask his girlfriend. "Yeah, I'm find"mal said to her boyfriend. Ok, I'm worry about you, ben said to mal. Well, I have to go to do king duties he said to mal. Bye mal talk to you later as he kiss her forehead. Bye ben! Mal said.

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