Chapter 13

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Carlos heard a honking noise. Carlos went to the limo and see Jane. "Jane, you made it" Carlos said. "Hi, Carlos" Jane said. "Hi, Jane" Evie said. "Hi, Evie" Jane said. "Hey guys, we should get going" Ben said. "Ok, let's go you guys" Evie said. Jay, Evie, Carlos, Ben, and Jane put their bags in the limo and drove off to the forest outside of auradon. Carlos and Jane was in the front while the others was in the back of the limo. Where are we going? Jane asked. We are heading to a forest outside of auradon, we think that Mal might be there but we don't know for sure" Carlos said. "Ok, well then we have a long day ahead of us, while you are driving I'm going to sleep since we are going to switch on driving" Jane said. Hey, Ben? Carlos said.

Ben's POV
Hey, Ben? Carlos said. Yeah? I said. "We have twenty hours left until we make to the forest outside of Auradon" Carlos said. "I hope she will be there" I said. Since, Mal was able to contact you when you were sleeping, could you try to contact Mal? Evie said. "I could try," I said. "Ok, good luck" Carlos said. I fell asleep, and o called out Mal's name. Mal! Mal! Mal! I said louder everytime I say her name.

Mal's POV
Mal! Mal! Mal! I heard a voice calling my name and suddenly I was at the island again. "Who is it? Who are you? Show yourself" I said. The person came in closer and I saw Ben looking at me. Ben, what are you doing? I said. "I came to talk to you" Ben said. "Mal, I'm happy you're ok" Ben said. "I'm ok for now, the witch has to set up the spell in order to take powers" I said. "How long does it take to set the spell up" Ben said. Ben walk closer to me and try to hug me. Why, can't I hug you? Ben asked. "Because we not really here, we are in a dream, which means that you can't touch anything that's here, all you can do is talk" I said. "I'm coming to you, Mal, Me, Evie, Jay, Carlo, and Jane are on our way to you" Ben said. "Ok, I'll be waiting for you but you have to hurry" I said. I'm waking up, good bye Mal, don't lose hope" Ben said. I won't, Ben, see you soon" I said. Ben disappeared from the island and I woke up after he left the island.

Ben's POV
After I talk with Mal at the island in the dream. I woke up with Evie asking me questions. "One at a time please" I said. Ok, did you talk with Mal? Evie asked me. "Yes, I saw and talk to Mal" I said. Did she say anything? Evie said. "Well, we have time since the witch have to set spell up" I said. "That's good, we have time to save Mal and Jason" Evie said. How many more  hours do we have? I asked. "Well, since you been asleep, we ten more hours to go" Jane said. "Wait, I've been asleep for ten hours?" I asked. "Well, it's more like nine hours for you when you were asleep" Jane said

Jane's POV
Hey, Carlos, we have ten more hours so, can we switch seats? I asked. "Yeah, sure" Carlos said.

Carlos switch spots with Jane. Carlos continued to drive while the others fell asleep.

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