Chapter 6

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Wicked Witch POV

I loved hearing the screams of pain. All I need is a plan to get the daughter of Maleficent but how? I went to see how my prisoner is doing cause I couldn't hear his screams of pain. I went to his cell to see him sleeping peacefully and not agonizing in pain. It was as if he couldn't feel the iron touching his skins and how could he sleep while hanging? I had enough of no pain cause he just acting like nothings wrong maybe I need to get the daughter of Maleficent now and show him the pain of torturing the daughter of Maleficent the mistress of all Evil. Yeah that show him. I left the cell and called daughter of the captain hook and daughter of Ursula to go and bring the daughter of Maleficent back. Do what you need to but bring Maleficent's daughter alive, I don't care if she's hurt just bring her here alive. Understand?
Yes got it, CJ and Uma said before they left and the shadows followed Uma and CJ.

Uma's POV

Understand she asked us. Yes got it, CJ and I said. I was leaving with CJ on our way to have some fun. I'm gonna enjoying kidnapping the traitor. What do you CJ I ask her. Well I'm gonna have fun kidnapping malsy and after that we have more fun while taking over auradon, CJ said. Come on we best get going before it turn dark.

Carlos POV

Did you find anything I ask Jay while looking books to see what spells could be most likely do if it's a power a twins who were born with magic it would be much more powerful. Nope Jay said while he was looking for anything that could be where Jason would be at but no luck came. Maybe we should take a break and find mal and evie. We should see how mals feeling? I said. Ok Jay said. Me and Jay went to Mal's and Evie's room to see how mal is doing. Hey mal I said. Hey Carlos, did you find anything to where he is at? Mal ask me. So far we found nothing

Jay's POV

So far we found nothing, Carlos said.
What should we do, we need our leader! You know more spells so you can help us of what the person wants you and Jason cause there has to be a reason, I said. Yeah but what does the person plans to do if the person gets our magic cause that seems danger for auradon? That's the question and how? Mal said. But how are we going to rescue Jason if we don't even know how I said. True ben said. Ben you're here I didnt know you were here. I was kinda being quiet sorry if I'd scared you, ben said. It's ok but how much did you here? I ask him. All of it, ben said. Oh, Carlos said. So you know everything, I said. Yeah, ben said. Great I said muttered. Ok I got try to find a spell for contacting a person in sleep cause that's what he did, that's why I was unconscious cause I was in a different place but it was a dream. Ok, got it I said. You, Evie, and Carlos will go find a spell to try to contact Jason and I will try to find where Jason could be at, mal said. But if me, Evie, and Carlos are looking for a spell then who's gonna protect you cause you're in danger since someone wants you for an evil purpose and they already have Jason, I said. I don't need protection. I can protect my self mal said very annoyed  tone. I can watch her, Ben said. Ok, I said. Alright now that got settle, let's go, Carlos said. Ok, Evie and I said.

Ben's POV

Carlos, Jay, and Evie had left the room. Mal seemed off when she was talking to the group I thought.
Mal, are you ok seemed off when they were talking. Yeah, I'm ok, Mal said. Mal, I said. I know you, something's bothering you, I said. Ok, fine, mal said. I'm scared ok, I mean my brother got kidnapped and someone is after me and I have no idea who or where brother is at. I can't do anything about it. And to add to that I had a nightmare of someone torturing me and I couldn't do anything about. I was trapped in my nightmare I couldn't wake up or escaped. So, yeah, I was off, mal said. After she said it she started crying. I went over to her and they to calm her down. Hey, it's ok, everything will be ok. Why don't we go to the Enchanted Lake. All mal could do is nod. Mal looked very frightened. We went to my scooter and we head off to the enchanted lake. We got to the forest, we go off the scooter and started walking to the lake. We made it to the bridge where we shared our middle names. We made it to the lake and we just cool off from what happen and to make mal not scared again. Let's go in the water. I tried to get her to go in the water. I can't ben. I'll be right here but you can go in, mal said. Pretty please. I said with puppy dogs eyes to try to get her to go in. I can't, ben, I don't know how to swin, I've never learn how, mal said. I can teach you. Come on, I said trying to get her to get her to stand up and go in the water. Fine. Mal said. Yay, come on I said while pulling her up. We walk to the edge of the water. I got in and help her in. It's cold, mal said. I hug to make her not cold anymore. Come on let's swim after we got out of the hug, I hold mal's hand. After I taught mal how to swim we were playing then we just relaxed on the stone surface and laying down. Mal was coddling with me and she fell asleep, so peacefully.

meanwhile With Uma's POV

Ugh we need a plan to captured mal but how and cj is just think this is a game sometimes I wondered how she's a villain caused we all know that she is daughter of the captain hook but all be care about is being a captain and be on the ocean and explore. Cj I yelled to get her attention.  What she yelled back. We need a planned to get mal and bring her back to the wicked witch. Well its simple we knock out mal and bring her b I co and while we add it we can knock out the traitors and anyone else who is closed to mal when we knock her out, easy peasy, CJ said. Not bad! Let's go. We made it to this so called auradon prep. Ugh, how can anyone go to this school where's the dark colors like black. Stop getting distracted we have a mission to complete. Let's go I said to CJ who nodded back at me. We went inside to look for mal but out a sight, we looked everywhere. Where could she be at? You know what let's make the knock out lotion and then find mal. We went to a room called a chemistry room whatever that means anyways we got out the ingredients and it started to bubble. We put the final ingredient in and it was now ready. We put the potion in the a grenade. We had about 5 just in case we need it. Now let's go find the traitor, I said. Ok, CJ said.

At the enchanted lake, Mal's POV

I was at the enchanted lake with ben. I learned how to swim that was a good thing cause now it is now not one of my many weakness which means one less means more stronger. Anyways after I swim with ben we looked at the stars and we cuddled and I fell asleep. I was dreaming about Ben cause I couldn't take my mind of him. In my dream I was Jason being tortured while I was watching him and I couldn't help him. I felt useless I couldn't save my brother. I was worried for my brother cause he couldn't contact me and I felt like something happen and here I am at the enchanted lake relaxing while my brother was kidnapped and I felt guilty about it. I screamed and I woke up, I realized it was just a dream but it felt so real. Mal, what's wrong Ben asked as he sits up. I hug him and started to cry. Ben calm me down after a few minutes. Let's go back and see what the others found, I said. Ok, Ben said to me

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