Chapter 10

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Mal's POV
I woke up when I heard a voice by the door. Wake up, she's coming I heard Jason say. That's when I woke up when she was walking in from the doorway, I sat up and I saw her. "Good, you're awake" the witch said. What do you want? witch" I said. Do you know what I want? The witch asked. No and I don't care what you want" I said. "I want magic from you and your brother" the witch said. Why do you want our magic? Jason asked. "Because I want Maleficent powers but since she's not available anymore so, I decided that take the powers of the daughter of Maleficent but I found out that you have a twin and twin has more magic than one person, that's why I want your magic's" the witch said. "You can't use our magic, we won't let you" I said. "I'm not using your power, I'm taking it" the witch said. "But you can't take our powers otherwise we'll die because we're part fairy" I said. "I don't care about you, I want Maleficent powers, take over auradon, and plus your a traitor to all the villians for choosing good" the witch said. Let us go now or I'll--" I said. "Or I'll what? You can't harm me if you are in iron handcuffs" the witch said. "What?" "Please don't do this" I said. "Oh, yes I can." The witch said. "Please, let us free" Jason said.

While the prisoners were trying to get the witch from not hurting them and not taking over the kingdom too but, the witch wouldn't listen instead the witch put iron handcuffs on mal's hands and her legs and for her brother she puff up a giant tank of water and she unlocked the cuffs that were burning his hands and she dragged him to the tank, and dumped him in the water where he couldn't get put of. The witch held his shoulders so he couldn't get out of the water. The son of Maleficent couldn't get out of the water, no matter how many times he tried moving, the Witch's hands would only get stronger. While the daughter of Maleficent felt that she couldn't do anything to save him when she was in these iron handcuffs. Mal was screaming in pain while the iron was burning her, she felt that she was getting weaker, weaker, and weaker. She couldn't do anything to save him. "Stop, please he's drowning, don't kill him" mal said. "Why should I do that, I am a villain after all, plus I like torture, it brings music to my ears" the witch said. "Because I will give you my magic, it's all yours, just let him go, he can't breathe much longer from all that water, you can't let him die, please help him" Mal said "That's just what I wanted to hear, that I get your magic" the witch said. The witch did what she promised and puff him out of the water, next to Mal, while he was coughing up water. Mal was glad that he was ok but giving up her magic was part of her and since she was half fairy, her being half fairy gives her magic and it is the fairy core inside of her, that means she will die if she gives up her magic but she had to save her brother. Mal hope that ben would come but she will probably die before he finds her. She hope that ben would not be mad and live his life just without her. Mal wanted to reach out and try to talk to him to see if it works. "There your brother is not drowning so I am going to get ready for your magic, oh and if you feel pained just scream like you mean it" the wicked witch said. Mal felt pain in her hands, so bad that she wanted to scream. Owwwwwwwwww, it hurts so bad, mal scream. Mal, are you alright, you ok? Jason asked. "No, it hurts so bad, I hate iron, I hate that iron is my weakness" mal said. "Try going to sleep and you find that you wouldn't worry about the pain in the iron cause that's what I did" Jason. How do you feel? Mal asked. "Well I feel that almost drowning in water us bad but not as bad as here trapped and lock in this cell, no way out" Jason said. "I'm glad you're ok, Jason" mal said.

Ben's POV
After awhile of looking at the paintings that mal drew, it felt like she was here with me showing me her paintings. I was getting tired so I head to bed and went to sleep and dreaming about Mal and I really like her self portrait painting.

Mal's POV
After the evil witch left was when Jason was fine after being stuck in the water without getting out and he almost drowned and I couldn't let him die, I sacrificed myself by giving my magic even though I will die. I went to sleep and I tried it again in hoping that it will worked and allowed me to talk to ben. I saw myself in the same place where I was at in my dream when Jason was trying to warned me. "Ben, ben, ben" I said. After a few moments I saw someone there, I knew I had to be cautious since I didnt know who that person is.

Ben's POV
I heard someone say my name and  then I woke up in some kind of island and not in my room when I saw someone standing there, that's when I heard someone calling my name again. "Who's there? Show yourself" I said. When the person walk closer and cautious, that's whe I saw a glance at the person. I saw someone with purple hair. When I thought about it more I don't know anyone with purple hair but one person and that is Mal. Mal? I yelled. Mal? Are you there? I yelled again when the person came into the light. I saw Mal right in front of me. "Mal" I said. While trying to hug her, but I went right through her, I was sad that i couldn't touch her or hug her. Ben, she said. Mal? Is that really you? I asked. CNo, I'm not really here, this is a dream but, I have to tell you something and I'm not sure you'll like it" mal said. What do you mean? What is it? I asked sounding nervous for what she's was about to tell me. "Promised me you won't get upset of what I am about to tell you" mal said. "I promised mal, I won't get upset about it" I said. "Well something happened today" mal said. "What happened today?" I asked. "The witch is going take me and my brothers magic and since the magic is apart of us, we'll die too and the witch was torturing us, she have magic and she want more powers, and she'd had have iron handcuffs that was on me and my brother the whole time I was in the cell and there's no way out so we couldn't escaped" mal said. What? I said scared for her. "Yes, and she use her magic to puff up a giant water tank and my brother couldn't get out of the water, her powers are too strong and she is not working alone" once she have gotten my magic and Jason's too, she will be unstoppable you must prepare the kingdom cause she wants to take over your kingdom, good luck, I must go, I hope I see you in another life" Bye, Ben" Mal said. Wait? I said. Yes? She asked. "I love you, I will find you, I am not giving up" I said. "I love you too, but I'm getting weaker every time i am in these iron handcuffs, it burns my hands, it hurts, I fear that if it gets worse, it will take my whole strength away from me, if I don't make it find my brother because the person is taking my magic first, you need to hurry or the witch will not just be taking my magic but his and then we both will die" mal said. "I am waking up, remember I love you, good bye, you need to hurry" mal said. I love you too, bye, I will find you" I said. Mal was gone from the island. I started to wake up. Ben, good morning, did you sleep well? Mom asked me. I saw mal, mom, in my sleep, she was talking to me. I must find the others and go to fairy godmother. "Bye, mom" I said. "bye, ben" my mom said. I went to evie's and mal's room while I texted everyone else to meet me in fairy godmother's office and hurry. I knock on evie's door. Evie opened the door. Ben? What are you doing here? She asked me. We need to go meet the others at the fairy godmother's office, I said. Ok, let's go, she said. Me and evie ran to fairy godmother's office. We went inside to the office where everyone waited for me and evie. Fairy godmother did you find any spell that could help us find mal? I asked? "I found one spell but it won't let us talk to Mal" fairy godmother said. No, need for speaking I already know how to speak with her, I said. What do you mean? Evie said. Well, early when I was sleeping I saw this island where I saw mal, I said. Wait? You saw Mal, Lonnie said. Yes, but she wasn't actually there since we were sleeping, anyways she told me the person plan and it's not a good one, I said. What is the plan from the person? Jay asked. Mal doesn't know want the person's name but she did know what the person liked to be called, her name is the wicked witch, and her plan is to steal mal's and her brother's powers for herself, I said. But that means she will die, if she loses her powers since she was part fairy, evie said. Which is why we need to find mal fast before the witch can take her magic, I said. One last thing that Mal had said to me, she said that the witch wants to take over a kingdom, she doesn't know which kingdom the wicked witch she wants to take over, plus the witch has iron handcuffs, I said. Wait? Iron? Jane said. But iron is bad for mal, iron is the one weakness that Maleficent have, is it Mal's weakness too? Audrey asked. Yes, iron is mal's weakness, its hurting her and making her weak, she can't escape cause there's no way out of the place she's in, I said. We need to find mal and fast, Carlos said. I agree, fairy godmother what spell did you find? I asked. "I found a location spell but to be able to find mal we need something of hers" fairy godmother said. Is there anything else we need? Fairy godmother, I asked. "This is a rescue mission and and more people coming along would take longer so, only four people can go save mal" fairy godmother said. "Ben, I think you should be one of the four" audrey said. Jane, Lonnie, audrey, can me, Jay,  and Carlos, go with ben? Evie said. "Sure, Evie" Jane said. "Jay, you should go, and we can stay here and prepare for the person coming, just in case" Lonnie said. "Thanks, Lonnie" Jay said. "Ok then, now we got that settle, we should get packing now so, we can leave as soon as possible" I said.

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